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Professionalisering van de medemerkers
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project is a mobility project in which best practices will be exchanged between five European adult-education ngo's in the field of sustainable food education, volunteer management and enterpreneurship. From september 2014 - september 2016 ten of our hundred twenty (unpaid) staff members will take part in a job shadowing in a German, Belgian, British or Austrian partner organization. During the same period we will send three of our (unpaid) staff members to a 5-day training course, respectively in Germany, Austria, Belgium and the UK about communication, fundraising, management, business development and IT for non-profit adult-education organizations in the EU. Our organization is planning to professionalize her staff, improve her quality of (e-)courses and want to internationalize in several fields. This mobility project will help our staff members to deepen their knowledge and skills on fundraising, volunteer management, enterpreneurship and communication to professionalize as peer-educators. We will get acquainted with new learning methodologies and improved foreign language skills. Our aim is to internationalize our education projects and to bring them to a higher level. This will be to the benefit of our learners who will be able to choose out of an extended range of international courses and workshops. We hope our mobilities will have a domino-effect and will invite others to see opportunities for learning outside their own country. After completion of the mobility project, we will work on the dissemination of results. About proactive work and the learning outcomes of the trainings our volunteers will be informed during a volunteer day that will be open to volunteers and staff members of other non-profit organizations in the field of adult-education. The project's success is the degree to which our learners evaluate their learning experience as positive and the transferability of the learned skills to their own work and their adult students six months after the mobility.
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