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Professional Design and Textiles Training
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In project PROTEX participates: Craft School Split as the project coordinator, and three vocational schools as sending partners: Vocational High School Varazdin, Craft school Pozega and Secondary school "Ivan Seljanec " Krizevci. These schools are educating students for following textile occupations: clothing / fashion technician, haberdasher technician, shoe technician, habardasher, cobbler, tailor. All schools included in PROTEX want to raise the professional knowledge, skills and competences of 24 mobility participants - teachers, trainers, assistants and advisers - through professional training for one week period in February 2015. Host partners are Istituto Ruzza (Padua) and Politecnico Calzaturiero (Stra). Project idea was build on the positive experiences of teachers from the Craft school Split and Craft School Pozega which participated in project "Fashion, Textile and Leather - professional training" within the framework of Leonardo da Vinci programme, and schools were involved as partners. For the purpose of PROTEX, project coordinator arranged cooperation and work programme with Italian partners which is in line with current interests of Croatian teachers, trainers and staff. Also, PROTEX is a continuation of previous LDV mobility project. Based on the partners' extensive experience in the textile and leather sector, good cooperation with business sector and positive experiences from previous project - coordinator and partners decided to achieve the set goals of the project PROTEX and meet the interests of the participants. In PROTEX will participate 24 experts which: educate students for vocational occupations, provide practical training, psychologically and pedagogically contribute to the development of basic theoretical and practical skills of students, supervise and evaluate the students' work, prepare students for work after completion of secondary education, raise correct attitude of students towards the manual and intellectual work, develop qualities-perseverance in working,accuracy in working tasks,self-confidence,development of interest for innovation in the specific occupation, the correct relationship towards the work,cooperation with other persons involved in the work, development of teamwork habits, participate in the development and improvement of education programmes,participate in design of curriculum.Due to the important role of all participants in VET and theirs' impact on students, it is important that all stakeholders are constantly improving their professional skills and competencies. The aims of the project PROTEX: improve VET knowledge of 24 participants through professional training for occupations that are the main subject of their work, gain insight into the knowledge and skills that students get after they finish secondary education. Participants will participate in class courses as observers and after the project ends they will be able to compare Italian educational system with Croatian and improve their teaching methods, presentation and learning skills. Professional training of participants will consist detailed introduction of partner institutions: educational programmes, VET curriculas,school and education structure (complexity , duration etc.), expertise and qualifications of employees and staff. With the organization of educational and professional seminars by the host partners,participants will be able to participate in them through debate, discussion and analysis. With detailed exploration of Italian VET all participants will notice how textile and leather professions are coordinated with the needs on the labor market. Mobility project is in line with stated objectives, needs and interests of participants because it allows them to improve the existing knowledge, exchange experiences, good practice examples, tracking trends in crafts and trades, meet with the new didactic and pedagogical approaches in VET, introducing with new technological possibilities and innovations. By linking of VET experts from Italy and VET experts from Croatia it will be strengthened the attractiveness, quality and operation of systems and practical training in VET. For the host partner are selected Italian schools, because Italy is the world's superpower of the fashion industry, textile and leather industry,and they are linked with the labor market. They dedicate special attention to the design and participants will notice how Italian teachers encourage the development of creative qualities in students. Project activities will ensure enhancement of skills during the entire life, mobility of VET experts and connecting of education with the labour market (Europe 2020). All partners will participate in dissemination and evaluation of the project. Evaluation will be carried out before and after mobility and dissemination will start with project approval through partners' web sites, round-tables, newspapers and other media. All participants will gain Europass mobility certificate.
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5 Partners Participants