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Professional and vocational growth
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Hopefully, “Professional and vocational growth” will start in October 2014.This two-year project will involvetwo schools Institute for deaf and hard of hearing Ljubljana, Slovenia and DUCOR “PartenijaZografski” Skopje, Macedonia. During the planned four project visits across two years,will be included: - 20 students with hearing impairment aged between 15 and 17 years old, accompanied by four teachers and - 10 staff with great experience in working with deaf students Our project is meant to develop the different skills of the students and staff taking part in it. The students will work in two workshops in textile and mechanical techniques. They will have tasks to make textile products (ornament or dolls) chosen by the students and some mechacival products and through making animated movie on computer they will represent their products on practical instruction. The project is led by the opinion that better professional qualification and richer knowledge acquired across the border, in European country, will help to this young people breaking trough labor market concurrency. Teachers will have the opportunity to learn about the school's curriculum and to compare the plans under which they operate in Macedonia, to learn about new teaching methods for working with students with hearing loss through the use of new media in the learning process, using sign language in the classroom and its impact on successful learning. This partnership will be started by signing Memorandum of Understanding between our schools. With this document we will defineall that is necessary for good training and good partnership The main aims of the project are: - The students to increase their practice in vocational education of hearing impaired by innovative experience intextiles, mechanical and media techniques - Expand intercultural and multilingual experience and connecting deaf students, develope European awareness and European Citizenship - The staff to improve their professional competences comparing their work with colleagues of different school system Collaborative work creates strong friendship, enhances motivation and produces quality work. Expected outcome 1. The deaf students from the State School Center for Education and Rehabilitation "PartenijaZografski" will have innovative experience and they will increase their practical skills. 2. The deaf students from the State School Center for Education and Rehabilitation "PartenijaZografski" will have new knowledge and experience about other culture and languages. 3. The staff will improve their professional competences comparing their work with colleagues of different school system. The two-years project will be followed thanks to the website and Moodle.The teachers will work together on the topics in an European context, thus developing an international dimension in teaching and continuing professional development.It will increase their knowledge of using sign language and of the European citizenship. Learning in an European environment with European youngsters and communicating together on this common issue, giving them a sense of common purpose. Understanding the interrelationship at the local, national and international levels.Collaborative learning and understanding the international dimension will enable them to make sense of their own society.Respecting each other, encouraging understanding and friendship.Insights into the causes of the issues, and their possible future effects.
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