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Profesní cesta po Evropě
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of project intiation: By the presented project our school would like to follow the fifteen-year long succesful experience in the field of European educational projects(especially in the LdV programme, but also in many others),when the project activities became indivisible part of the educational work in our school and as such forms a significant part in the increasing work quality of our school. The aim of the project is gaining professional, language and personal competences and getting to know the good practice exapmles in the European dimension of professional education for teachers, current and freshly graduated students in order to increase their competitive ability in the job market. The number of participants is 46 and their profile is following: A) Students: 24 The presented project counts with the participation of the students of following study fields: High school(terciary education level)-Legal Assistance, Business Administration,Registred General Nurse The students live in the Ústí region , which is the region with a high unemployment rate and more and more increasing social problems ,including the integration of the Roma community and other minorities.Lots of students procede from the families with a low socioeconomic status and some of them from the local Roma community. B) Freshly graduated students: 2 Among the paticipants we count with two freshly graduated students of the programme of Social Work, who are highly motivated o gain professional skills in the European job market, especially in the field of social work with mentally challenged and physically disabled children and adults. C) Teachers: 20 Amog the participants we count with our teachers of professional and general subjects,who have not had the opportunity to adquire professional and teaching experience in another Europan countries so far. Activities description and methodology of project implementation The applicant would like to focus on followingneeds of respective participants in these fields: 1.Teaching methodology in the professional education 2.Increasing the quality of school management and development 3.quality development in the field of nursing methodology 4.methodology of integration of minorities(education, social work focused on disabled, socially exluded,Roma community and migrants). These needs reflect the fact the our school i sone of the clue educational institutions of the Ústí region and provides education to student in numerous educational programmes. The wide scale of project perticipants´needs is linked to theis various implementatio into the educational proces of terciary and life-long education. For our teachers we have planned following internships: Autumn 2015:internship in IRIS Madrid(Spain) –teachers of the Social Work study programme Spring 2016:internship in the school in Saint Nazaire(France)-for the teachers of general and professional subjects of the Business Administration study programme Autumn 2016:internship in the school in Samsun(Turkey)- school management members Spring 2017: internship in the city foundation in Meppel (The Netherlands)-teacher sof social and nursing subjects , who teach in the Registered General Nurse study programme For our students we have palnned internships in duration of 3-4 weeks in social intitutions Lebenshilfewerk annaberg and Delphin, at the clinic in Sebnitz(Germany, in a business company environment in Dublin(Ireland), in a public administration and health care institution in Meppel(The Netherlands) For our freshly graduated students ( students of Social work graduated in June 2015) we have planned a long-term internship in duration of 10 month in a social care institution Lebeshilfewerk Annaberg(Germany) Expected results and impacts of the project: 1. Quality improvement in tertiary eduacation , especially in the field of professional experiance 2. Improvement of professional, language and personal skills of the participants 3. Improvement of competitive skills of the participants and their implementation into the job market in the Czech Republic and in Europe 4. Improvement of the competitiveness of the project applicant in the education market Among the expected outputs of the procts we can mention the good practice example adquired i companies and institutions i Europe , which enable the participants of the project to fulfill its aim Context of project intiation: By the presented project our school would like to follow the fifteen-year long succesful experience in the field of European educational projects(especially in the LdV programme, but also in many others),when the project activities became indivisible part of the educational work in our school and as such forms a significant part in the increasing work quality of our school. The aim of the project is gaining professional, language and personal competences and getting to know the good practice exapmles in the European dimension of professional education for teachers, current and freshly.

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