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Професионално и заедно в усвояването на иновативни образователни технологии
Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project proposal on the topic “Professionally and jointly in the adoption of innovative educational technologies” is submitted for approval under the key activity “Educational activity of citizens” under the European program for education, training, youth and sport “Erasmus +”.One of the priorities of the strategy-the intelligent growth is carried out as a result of complex interactions between technical, social, economic and human factors. The project aims to create a new type of learning environment, in which, through the adoption of innovative educational technologies to support teachers on the one hand to present their syllabus in the most attractive and effective way, and on the other, students to have the opportunity to develop their creative potential and achieve better results. By improving the digital literacy of students and teachers will become possible to build a common educational environment where both parties are active and complementary. The main objectives of the project proposal are: - Adoption of innovative educational technologies; - Improvement of the professional competence of the employees; - Provoking the creativity, ingenuity and innovation in the educational process that will make it more attractive and increase its effectiveness; - Expanding of the professional knowledge and skills of students; - Raising social and linguistic competencies of students and the development of their personal qualities; - Improving the competitiveness of students in the labour market; - Raising the quality and attractiveness of vocational training in the Vocational School of Audio-Video Equipment and Telecommunications “A.S.Popov”. -Improving the educational environment; -Expanding the qualifications of teachers. - To focus attention of the teaching staff in the direction of of enhancing the attractiveness of the training process by reducing the complexity of the educational resources, incomprehensible topics, unnecessary academic terminology and excessive theory. Implementation of this new approach will make vocational education more practically oriented, will contribute to the development of more comprehensible and clear training resources, close to the minds of students and taught in a familiar way for them. Creating opportunities to learn "by doing" will provoke the potential for creativity, ingenuity and unconventional approaches to solving specific problems. The project will involve 14 students undergoing vocational training in the eleventh grade of the Vocational School of Audio-Video Equipment and Telecommunications “A.S.Popov” in the specialties “Telecommunication Systems”, “Cinema Equipment, Audio and Video Systems”, with intensive study of English. They are trained in the professional field “Electronics, Automation, Communication and Computer Equipment. 16 teachers will take part in the project, two of which will be accompanying the group of students. Activity 1: Implementation of mobility of 14 students in order to practice the profession in real workplace in companies of the partner. Activity 2: Training of the staff abroad: Specialized training to explore innovative educational technology, which will significantly expand knowledge of existing opportunities for overall development of e-learning content. Creation of skill for considering the individual characteristics of the trainees will be particularly valuable as a result of forthcoming trainings; the main aim is to achieve active interaction with them and to attain maximum efficiency. Activity is consistent one of the priorities of the European strategies for raising the professional qualification of teachers. The goals set would be achieved largely through the implementation of the planned activities, listed in the project proposal. Results: The project aims to create a new type of learning environment, in which, through the adoption of innovative educational technologies to support teachers on the one hand to present their syllabus in the most attractive and effective way, and on the other, to enable students develop their creative potential and achieve better results. - By improving the digital literacy of students and teachers will become possible to build a common educational environment where both parties are active and complementary. - Raising social and linguistic competencies of students and the development of personal qualities; - Improving the competitiveness of students in the labour market; - Raising the quality and attractiveness of vocational training in the Vocational School of Audio-Video Equipment and Telecommunications “A.S.Popov”. -Improving the educational environment; -Expanding the qualifications of teachers. • Improving the level of key competencies and skills • Improving the quality in the field of innovations. • Raising awareness of the European Area of Lifelong Learning.
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