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Profesionalita sociálního podnikání v mezinárodním kontextu
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was focused on promoting management in the organisation and use of innovative practices in social business in Cooperative NAPROTI whose mission is to create conditions for work integration of people with handicap through social business. The main aim of the project was through mobility increasing professional education, transfer of good practise from foreign partner, making educational and working methods more effective and introduction of innovative procedures for increasing the potential and developing social business. The participants were workers in the social enterprise Milk bar NAPROTI (with and without handicap). In the mobility attend managers and also other wokers, who participate in education in the field of social work and social business. The great benefit for professional and personal development of the participants themselves and the cooperative were exchange of the theoretical and practical experience with colleagues from abroad, the opportunity to compare the level of expertise in working with people with handicap and clients of social enterprises and also improving language skills. In the project there were 2 main activities-week mobility (5 working days + 2 traveling days), each with 6 participants. Participants visited a partner organisation Futura in Rome - Italy. During the mobility workers focused on topics connected with the organisation of work in social enterprise, examples of good practise, innovation methods of working with people with handicap in the context of training and preparation to work. They shared and exchanged theoretical and practical experiences. An important aspect of longlife learning of workers in social field was enrichment with different culture. The project was for participants very important and realization of this project was for them big motivation in their work. Employees of social enterprise appreciated an opportunity to know new facts, ideas and approaches and inspired by that to create their own way in providing quality service, what led to increasing customer satisfaction. The outcome of the project is, based on reached knowledge and information, methodological material which helps effective iclusion of handicapped people to individual acitivities at the training department, for better support for their incorporating and retaining job. The project outcomes were presented during social business´s actions (presentation of social business for students of University of Ostrava, presentations of sociasl business and excursions held in milk bar). For each mobility press release were processed, information about the mobility and their results, including photographs, are available on the website and facebook of sending organisation.

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