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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The modern labor market is demand-oriented of personnel with high mobility of knowledge and developed capacity for professional development. Preparation of qualified personnel with attitudes for career development in the profession requires improvement and updating the professional preparation. As a vocational school with a tradition of training courses in the field of initial vocational training we need to provide our students a complete and high-quality professional preparation. The project "Work experience through European placement" is a specific initiative on GHG IET "M. V.Lomonosov "for the development of professional preparation in high school with the resources and tools for European cooperation between countries. Participants in the project will be 20 students from the high school boys and girls over the age of 16 years,, who attend a high school for the acquisition of third degree of professional qualification in the profession "Construction and Architecture (5 students from 12th grade) and by profession Computer equipment and technologies (15 students from 10 to 12th grade The overall objective of the project is to provide opportunities and resources for quality professional training of participants in a real multicultural working environment, which will increase their opportunities for professional development in the national system of labor.The project is aimed in the realization of the following specific objectives:• Increase the practical exam in the profession in a real working environment as part of the training school• Improving the professional skills in order to ensure sustainable employment and professional development• Development of intercultural and social competences of the participants• Promoting and improving foreign language skills as a precondition for successful realization of the labor market.• Raising the prestige and popularity of high school professional education through dissemination of the good practices.The project will be realized with the partnership of Kairos Europe, a company from London, dedicated to to the promotion and development of programs aimed at increasing cultural exchange between European countries.The main project activities includes conducting a two-week practice of real jobs in companies from London in the period 02.04. 2017 to 22. 04.2017 year. Participants will be selected through a selection of clear and objective criteria . Will be given equal access to every student at the school who are targeted.The mobility will take place on a work program agreed between the partners in the preparation of the project proposal. Participation in the tree-week practice of real jobs in London will help students gain professional experience in the real business environment, depending on their field of study. Students from specialty "Construction and Architecture" will perform work tasks in the field of geodesy. They will participate in the implementation of ongoing projects of the host company and will learn by assist the work of the more experienced surveyors. During the practice, they will work with specific software and tools used in geodesy and will improve skills and competence in the field of standards for design and construction in line with modern trends in their profession in the UK. Students from "Computer Engineering" will work in companies in the IT sector and will be involved in the maintenance of computers (hardware and software), maintenance and configuration of networks and customer service. During the practice they will improve their skills to work in the profession and will deepen their knowledge of operating systems, networks, hardware and software in accordance with developments in the working environment in the host country.Participants will get the opportunity to test their knowledge and management skills from school in an English environment. They will learn to plan, implement and control work tasks assigned to them in a foreign language to communicate and learn from professionals in the profession The results of the practice will be documented with a certificate of Europass Mobility, receiving references from companies and specific certificate from the partner. The acquired documents and experience will be a plus on their CV and will give them more opportunities for employment upon completion of general education at school.The experience gained will increase self-esteem and their confidence for a successful career performance. The change of the environment will create positive emotions and extra motivation for lifelong learning.

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