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Příprava na pracovní pozici tour managera v cílových destinacích
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main target of the project is to improve abilities and practical skills of young people in the initial specialist education at the Secondary School of Tourism in Pardubice. Within the scope of the project, the internships of the students of the 3rd and 4th grades will take place in Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Italy and Spain. There will be groups of 7 students and 1 mentor. The planned duration of the internship is 14 days, only in Spain 17 days because of the distance of the destination. The term of the internship is provisionally planned in September-October 2013. Participating in the project, the students will increase their theoretical and practical skills. In the final phase the participants will be able to work as tour managers of tours to target destinations, act as delegates in target destinations, or to prepare completely a long stays or tours in target destinations. They will improve their knowledge of foreign language thanks to continual communication in the foreign language which is also one of the contents of the internship. They will get to know the culture of the destination and they will be able to be well informed in strange environment. They will improve their communication skills, knowledge of geography and technique of tourist industry. The content of the project complies with the Goals of the programme of lifelong learning and European priority stated in the appeal. The project has got three phases. Before the internship itself, the students will undergo the first phase – thorough specialized training (technique of tourism and geography of tourism), cultural and language preparation. The students will study individual tourist attractions of the target destinations and they will prepare the guiding texts. Within the scope of this phase they will also prepare itineraries of the visited destination. The second phase of the project will be the internship itself. The main target of the internship during the stay in the target destinations will be the preparation for the prospective job of a tour manager, a delegate or a tour operator for the target destinations. This will include a lot of activities – preparation of routes, guiding activity, cooperation with the information centres and service providers, preparation of materials for the tour creations, communication in a foreign language etc. During the internship they will visit the attractions and localities which often appear in the realization of long-stay and excursion tours to stated destinations. In the third phase, after return to the Czech Republic , the students will work out a complete diary of the internship, including the materials for the guidance of long stays or tours. These materials will be used for further schooling and presented in propagation of internship outputs. Another outcome will be done in the form of PowerPoint presentation, which will introduce the preparation, course, outputs and contributions of the individual internships. Students will be chosen according to the criteria stated in advance (specialized and language skills, interests in the problematic, behaviour, ability of team cooperation etc. ) The criteria and results of the selection will be presented on the school websites. These specialized internships would not be possible without the help of the partner organizations. The partner organizations in all the target destinations are chosen very conveniently and our school has been cooperating with them over a long period.
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4 Partners Participants