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Придобиване на опит в модерни аграрни стопанства и нови земеделски практики
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is implemented between the Vocational School of Agriculture "Sv.G.Pobedonosets", Suvorovo and STEP (organization in the field of vocational guidance and counseling, internships and workplace practices). The training placement will take place in three farms - modern agricultural complexes for breeding of pigs, poultry, cows, as well as a plantation for growing paulownia. Each of the sectors and topics of the practice are significant for development and upgrading professional competencies of students and for the regional development a s a whole. Participants in the project are 40 pupils aged 16-20, from Vocational School of Agriculture "Sv.G.Pobedonosets" in the stage of initial vocational education for the profession "Farmer", specialty "Agrarian"; profession "Economist", specialty "Agricultural Farm"; profession "Fitter of agricultural equipment", specialty "Mechanization of agriculture". The project objectives are as follows: 1) Upgrading the knowledge, practical skills and professional competencies of users acquired in school through learning of modern farming practices, working with modern technology, study of the Spanish experience in organic farming and the cultivation of paulownia - new and promising sector for Bulgaria with trends for development in the coming years. 2) Improving the capacity of Vocational School of Agriculture "Sv.G.Pobedonosets" by strengthening the established international partnership, transfer of good practices in vocational training, assessment and recognition of learning outcomes, diversification of the curriculum for study practices of students. Practice will last for four weeks and will take place in a real work environment - on farms located in the area of Seville. Participants will be split into 2 mobility flows, each of which will consist of 20 students and two accompanying persons. Periods of the practice are 04.07-01.08.2016 (first flow) and 29.08. - 26/09/2016 (second flow). In view of the identified needs of the Vocational School of Agriculture "Sv.G.Pobedonosets" the practice is divided into two educational modules. One relates to building practical skills to work with modern equipment, automated feeding and care of animals, implementation of environmental practices and closed production cycle. The other module is aimed at new for Bulgaria practices with high potential for use in local conditions and to start a successful business activity, namely: building practical skills for growing paulownia and introduction with the ways of launching entrepreneurial business by planting and growing paulownia. Methodology of training is related to the fulfillment of practical tasks in a real work environment, coaching by mentors in each of the farms, monitoring of the implementation, evaluation. As a result of the practice, participants will become more competitive in the labor market, acquiring practical skills in organization and technology of cultivation of different types and categories of farm animals; work with modern apparatus for milking cows, technology for sorting eggs, methods of breeding pigs, prevention and vaccination of animals, principles of animal welfare; compliance with modern sanitation and hygiene requirements and European legislation on livestock farms; basic principles, methods and processes in organic livestock farming; methods of planting and growing Paulownia, starting a business by growing paulownia, marketing of production. At the institutional level, the project will create a quality educational environment which will contribute to the transfer of best practices in training and exchange of experience between the partnering organizations. At the regional and national context, the project will contribute to improving the consistencyof offered vocational education and training and the qualiy of students leaving the school and entering on the labor market with the needs of the European labor market and the high requirements of employers. Practice will be verified by issuing the Europass Mobility document, certificate by STEP, certificates by the farms and individual evaluation cards describing the progress of each participant.
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