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Prevention of School Failure related to bad habits and addictions: Good Educacional Practices Exchange
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a project which has been created within an educational context in order to offer an answer to the different problems that involve unhealthy habits, technological addictions and young people. The European Parliament adopted the report "European culinary heritage" in the month of March 2014 (on the European gastronomic heritage: cultural and educational aspects) In this report, the European Commission recognizes that the developments in recent years have highlighted that diet, in its broadest sense, is extraordinarily important in modern society. Furthermore it is surprising to see how, in reasonably wealthy developed countries, a lack of culture and/or education has turned food into a root cause of illnesses and conditions which generate huge expenditure in public and private health systems On the other hand, the project aims to address the issue about the abusive use of the so-called new technologies among our young people. The General Assembly of the United Nations in 2011 declared the Internet access as a human right for being a tool that promotes the growth and progress of the society as a whole. The use of the Internet has become in our society an essential tool for communication, information, learning and freedom of expression, in addition to the already known commercial services. But the Internet, in addition to its many advantages, also has drawbacks and risks for which the society and especially young people must be prepared. Every day, the media bombard us with terms such as: Bullying, Phishing, Spam, etc. All this has a number of problems widespread in European societies, and especially among our young people and although widespread, there are different ways of treatment depending on the country that we consider in our environment. So while in Sweden the use of smartphones at schools is not something unusual he Smartphone in schools, in countries such as Spain it is usually forbidden and source of stress between students and teachers. At schools, we are experiencing more and more problems related to techno-adicction, spoofing identity, cyberbullying, etc, which end up affecting seriously our students and producing a deep alteration in their social life. In this field we want to contextualize our project based on various aspects of the use of the network and new technologies with objectives such as: - Thinking over opportunities and challenges posed by technology. - Promoting the preventive work to minimize the risks of the use of technology - Promoting development and learning strategies - Providing sources of information and reporting on public resources for protection. - Rational use of video games and online games. - Obtaining conclusions and materials that allow to create resources to deal with the risks previously above. The European Commission in a recent report of February 2015 explains the need for Governments, institutions, businesses and citizens to become aware of the risks that users of the network may face. The main objective of our project is to contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning process related to a proper nutrition and the risks of the use of technology among youngsters within a European context, through the sharing of best educational practices that use innovative actions, always from a holistic approach. The results from this project will be related on the one hand to healthy education and the profile for the students to decide about healthy habits; on the other hand, in an educational work of prevention and development of techniques for the detection and treatment of aspects related to techno-addiction and cybercrime. The partnership gets added value not only because it brings together participants from European countries, but also because these countries have different regulations and eating habits; the targeted students are made up of people with ages in which problems related to eating and physical habits have special impact and whose regional backgrounds and lifestyles are a fundamental aspect to this. The School Association Enables that both, students and teachers can explore, understand, describe and compare the habits of life of Europeans from different countries, it will provide a way of awareness of the common concern of European citizens about the issues of nutrition and healthy habits,. in addition to acquiring strategies and raising awareness of the suitable use of new technologies The partners have been chosen taking into account the objectives and topic of our project, so that they cover a broad geographical area ranging from Southern to Northern Europe and from East to West, in order to contrast different eating habits as well as different ways of addressing a common, current and widespread problem of the use of the new technologies among our young people and relate them to the culture and climate as well as determine and solve the common problems from several European countries.
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4 Partners Participants