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Prevention of early dropout of VET through inclusive strategies for migrants and Roma
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the EU, 6 million young people between 18 and 24 do not have a finished VET or another secondary school. Consequently, these youngsters face deprivation and unemployment, which in turn influences the social and economical development of a country. Especially migrants and Roma face these difficulties. Furthermore, these groups face discrimination at the transition from general school to VET, as well. The ET 2020 strategy now aims at reducing the dropout rate to below 10% by 2020. The EU project PREDIS - Prevention of dropout of VET through inclusive strategies for migrants and Roma helps in reaching this goal. 1. The project partners will develop a Blended-Learning Course (BLC, 10 month) for vocational education trainers, teachers and other multipliers. This form of further education is much more lasting than other forms of training: The contents, participants learned during the time of presentness (5 days) can be practiced in everyday work during the online-phase. The final follow-up course (3 days) serves evaluation and reflection. Over the whole course, participants will be assisted and supported by all PREDIS partners. 2. A toolkit will be developed for developed for Course. Textual, it consists of a triad: Background information, pedagogical knowledge and innovative methods as well as Empowerment regarding the secondary target (migrants/Roma). In detail it deals with a) background information about strucural parameters of Roma and migrants, b) approaches in questioning own stereotypes, c) intercultural and conflict management competences, d) Empowerment strategies for trainees to strengthen their key competences, e) new approaches for successful labour market integration and finally f) new methods for a better transition into VET. 3. A peer-procedure will be developed, which makes sure that all important actors participating in vocational education will network more properly in the long run concerning the topic “dropout rates of migrants and Roma”. Hence the consortium takes care regarding the compound of the participants: making sure that from all partner countries representatives of all important institutions take part. The procedure will foster synergy effects and establish new views. 4. The basis of the project consists - among other things – of an empirical needs analysis. Interviews with trainees, vocational training personnel and further experts ask for reasons for the high dropout rates of migrants and Roma. The results of the analysis give initial indications for the conceptualization of the modules and the peer procedure. 5. At the end of the project a manual in six languages will be written and published. It includes all modules, a description of the peer procedure and a reflected summary of the BLC. The manual – as well as all other relevant products and publications – will be available for download on the homepage for free (as well as on other platforms). Additionally the participants qualify as multipliers so that the outcomes of PREDIS can be reused all over Europe. Successful participants are awarded with the EUROPASS certificate. Thus, PREDIS contributes to the professionalization of vocational training in Europe. All project outcomes and activities are conceptualized in transnational teams and are evaluated and, where necessary, modified. All six project partners (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Buzau, Liceul Tehnologic Economic Elina Matei Basarab, Znanstvenopaziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti and Universita Degli Studi Di Trent) have long-time experience in project work and are familiar with developing trainings for pedagogues, teachers, trainers and other multiplier. Further, extensive expertise are in place in the area of migration, integration, interculturality, dropout of VET and inclusion. Besides, the romanian vocational schools also specifically work together with Roma trainees. Extensive public relations, in particular involving educational authorities makes the outcomes and conclusions accessible to tens of thousands of teachers and educational stuff; processes of reflection with colleagues and educational politics will be pushed in order to initiate structural changes and the establishing of new approaches. PREDIS should at least in parts be enshrined in the curriculum. The peer procedure is to be institutionalized. The rate of dropout of VET is reduced.
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5 Partners Participants