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Prevenirea excluziunii școlare prin educarea nevoilor speciale
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The beneficiary of this project is the Association Alliance for Children Arad , which is an humanitarian NGO, apolitical and non - profit. One of the purpose of its establishment is to improve the conditions for training and education for pupils with special educational needs . The analysis performed, identified difficulties of adjustment of children with special educational needs in school, which created the need for some improvement programs. The absence of a systematic environment with learning activities and the presence of gaps accumulated due largely absenteeism determined disorganized acquisition of knowledge, skills and behaviors. Another cause of these facts/situations is poor learning ability and poorly educated. All this has repercussions in the development of skills and abilities, motivation for learning is very faint. It notes that these children are more prone to absenteeism and dropouts. Therefore, a suitable intervention in school-community relations would be beneficial. A European model of good practice in this area should address the needs of children, teachers and community institution. There is a need for training for this teachers, who are involved in working with students with special educational needs. The purpose of this project is to support the continuing education of teachers in special education and special – integrated, by experimenting good practice offered by the Portuguese eucational system. Given the requirements of these special education students, special education teachers and special integrated, the given training were insufficient to prevent school exclusion. Almost all teachers reported that they face difficulties in adapting to children with SEN school regime, phenomena that causes school failure, dropout (school exclusion). Since the diagnosis made apparent that these phenomena are due tu the uncertain role of education/lack of interest of students and parents, gaps in training teacher, who doesn`t no ho to adopt an effective strategy for preventing school exclusion. Therefore, we believe that the development/improvement of this skills is a priority that could be achieved by this proposed project through the entire program of mobility. The application is focused on how to use modern methods and innovative practices at the European level. The objectives of the project are: O1 to facilitate the knowledge of the Portuguese educational system, with the methods and strategies who increases integration and participation in educational regarding children with special educational needs and reduces dropout risk for them. O2 to develop the skills/competencies effectively to prevent school exclusion, allowing to produce positive changes in children with SEN, in order to increase the quality of life. O3 to achieve and develop strategies for prevention of school exclusion, to adapt the curricula, to realize PIPs for pupils with SEN, to integrate efficiently educational material into the training process. O4 to offer support to participants in order to increase inovation and quality of tools and mechanisms, to improve access to education and training for youg people/students with SEN. This Erasmus+ project of Association Alliance for Children Arad aims to provide participants an opportunity to exchange information and best practices, develop language skills, interpersonal, inter-institutional relation skills, through an appropriate identification of real needs . It is expected to achieve: the knowledge of appropriate methods of teaching, learning and assessment, tailored to integrate special education students and special - integrated to reduce the effects of factors that lead to school exclusion, professional skills of teachers in Romania by exposure to the know-how provided by the Portuguese educational system, increasing the number of partnerships in each school, improving professional skills, linguistic, social and intercultural adaptability. The mobility is organized in two flows of one week each, with receiving partners Associação Amigos da Intercultural Mobilidade, APACI and Agrupamento de escolas de Barcelos - Portugal, with 12 participants / stream X2 = 24 participants. This project will conduct training that meets national and international requirements by improving the quality of education - providing opportunities for students on the verge of dropping out of school - and teacher training . Project evaluation will be carried out at local level by analyzing the degree of achievement of objectives.
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3 Partners Participants