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Preserving and Marketing Farmhouse Artisan Cheese
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

P&M project aims to discover, to research and to document the unique artisan cheese production techniques and product information in order to disseminate the knowledge to the public so that the traditional knowledge can be preserved and transferred to the next generation. P&M project also focuses on examining and uncovering the best marketing practices of the artisan cheese producers across project countries. Learning from successful examples and harmonizing the new knowledge with the expertise of our partner organizations, the team will develop new methods as to how to leverage competitive advantages. The new learnings will be compiled into a training program for wide range of stakeholders. Finally, P&M project will develop guidelines for local policy makers and government authorities to inform them about the regulative challenges of the traditional cheese makers, flexibility aspect of the EU food and safety directives and practical methods that incorporates the regulations for the mutual benefit of artisan cheese producers and consumers. The project, therefore, will deal with the three main problems of the artisan cheese makers, namely, the production methods, marketing strategies and regulative environment and will develop integrated learning platform to educate the target group. Project has 7 partners, Slow Food Italy, Slou Fud Bitola, Spanish FACE network, Ardahan University, Bogatepe Association and Provincial Directorate of Food Agriculture and Livestcok (Ardahan and Kars provinces). Slow Food in general works in the area of protection, promotion and education of sustainable food, engages with local producers and consumers to organize local events and campaigns for production, processing, distribution and consumption of sustainable food. FACE network is an association which represents, both at national and European level, the interests of almost 13 000 farm-house and artisanal cheese makers, located in 11 European countries. Bogatepe Life and Environment Association is a highly active civil organization dedicated to improve the lives in the rural villages. Bogatepe has members specialized in cheese making and milk processing establishments. Provincial Directorate of Food Agriculture and Livestock of Ardahan (PDFAL) is the governmental authority in the region. PDFAL will contribute to the project through assisting in the food and safety regulative matters, providing food and livestock experts, arrangement of meetings at villages, and arrangement of the training activities. Ardahan University will contribute to the P&M project through its pool of experts from various backgrounds (i.e. pedagogue, training instructors, bio-food experts, IT specialists and Project Managers). The project is designed to deliver three intellectual outputs in course curriculum and guideline formats. The guidelines will be converted into training modules and published at self learning website platforms. The module will also be converted into a classroom training program and will be piloted in Turkey. The project activities will start with State of the Nation analysis to expose the current situation in the project regions, followed by joint staff trainings, focus groups, case studies, legislation reviews, and innovation meetings to discover new solutions and practical approaches to the chronic problems of the stakeholders. Transnational meetings will be organized to exchange information and experience, gained from the research and exploration studies, across the project countries. The results of the intellectual outputs will be further disseminated through conferences in Turkey, Macedonia, and Spain. The project design also includes an M&E system built on a logical framework matrix including outcomes, inputs, performance indicators, methods and time of measurement, responsibilities, and risks. The improved legislative environment will increase the survival rate of the small-scale dairy companies in the market. P&M outputs will be the first steps of creating awareness to organize a better structured market for the benefit of the government, small farms, and dairy producers.The P&M training on marketing will open new venues for the farmhouse cheese makers and small scale dairy producers. P&M regional outcomes will impact the national policies on food and safety, providing structural solutions not only to the project regions but to the producers facing similar challenges across the country. Therefore, the national economy will benefit from the fair and healthy competition by strengthening the small scale dairy producers, and the underground economy will become less of an issue. P&M activities will improve the social welfare of the rural communities who are earning their lives mainly from livestock and agriculture practices. P&M project will take the first steps in terms of developing a common guideline among EU countries on food and safety regulations of the small scale cheese producers.

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6 Partners Participants