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Predarea inovativa si metode de invatare pentru reducerea abandonului scolar intr-o societate in care educatia se face pe tot parcursul vietii
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project:” Innovative teaching and learning methods for reducing early school leaving in a lifelong learning society” initiated byThe Gymnasial School Buzescu is the result of the staff need to realize suitable instruments for the education and assistance of the students with a high risk of school leaving.A good intervention of the teacher by the educative process itself which he/she carries on with the children may be a way to prevent school leaving. The goal of the project is to increase the students’ motivation to finalize their compulsory education through using the best strategies and methods of formal and non-formal teaching, in internationalized context. After participating to the training stage, the two selected teachers will aim at the achievement of the goals: - to promote and experience innovative methods of teaching used to reduce school leaving and to motivate students to finalize their compulsory education. - To renew, enrich and improve the teaching methods and the language skills of the participants - To promote non-formal activities - To facilitate changing experience and good practice between participating teachers from different European countries. The most important activities of the project are; - participating in the training course”How to motivate students to finalize their compulsory education.Innovative teaching and learning methods for reducing early school leaving in a lifelong learning society.” Through the activeinvolvment of the trainees, the main methods being: work through cooperation, hands-on activities, outdoor activities, learning by doing activities. The participants in the training course from Netherlands wwill have the opportunity: - to experience good practice examples of innovative teaching and learning methods to reduce school leaving and to motivate the students to finalize the compulsory education - to become aware of the European dimension of education and of the general need to motivate the students to attend school - to practice innovative teaching and learning methods developed through indoor and outdoor activities, through experiencing”learning by doing” Impact of project implementation : - Improving teaching skills by using the preponderance of active-participatory methods; -adoption of new pedagogical approaches being taken from colleagues -aspects of European citizenship (the ability to place the subject matter in a European context) - Improvement of teaching and use of ICT skills, which will be reflected in the improvement of teaching carried out in school -increasing the number of optional interdisciplinary educational offer that meets the interests and needs of the students knowledge communities -decrease by 40% the number of absent students at risk of dropping out - Increase by 50% of students who attend non-formal activities suggested by teachers (volunteer projects, eTwinning partnership, valuing the talent of hobyurilor)
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