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Praxismodul: Early Education & Youth Welfare in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Alice-Salomon-School, a vocational college for social and health is divided into five departments. Each department is specialized in one of the vocational fields. Covered fields are occupational high school (social and health), social pedagogical vocational school and college, and many other vocational schools and colleges for different vocational trainings and professions in the field of social and health care. With more than 3000 students and 146 teachers the Alice-Salomon-School is the biggest vocational school of her kind in Germany and the number of students are still rising. The schools' long-term objective is to involve students of each department in international projects on a regular and continual basis. To reach this aim the Alice-Salomon-School wants to start with a project in the department 3: The intention of the planned project is to offer students the opportunity of a six week stay abroad including an internship in an institution (Kinder Barcelona) in Spain. The students are doing a vocational training in order to graduate and become an educator. The participants will be selected by the team “Europa” and will also be prepared for the stay abroad by the Alice-Salomon-School. During the stay the students will be supervised by the Alice-Salomon-School and the project partner Kinder Barcelona. For the teachers/ staff of the department 3 a Job Shadowing in Barcelona is planned in order to get to know the different structures and emphases of the different vocational systems. In addition to this they will get to know the concept of multilingualism and observe the acquisition of language in combination with the concept of multilingualism. Another focus will also be on the improvement of language and intercultural competences. The aim of the project is our students’ advanced qualification for both the regional and the European job market by acquiring new professional and intercultural as well as language skills. Professional skills will be acquired during the internship at the nursery school “Kinder Barcelona” abroad. The students will gain practical experience on the job, get to know new methods and they will take part in team meetings and further education trainings in the partner institution. These acquirements will be certified in the Europass Mobilität, which will complete our students’ CV and enhance their employability on the job market. Language competences will be improved by actively using the so far acquired skills in an authentic foreign environment outside school and language lessons. The internships are intended to support the students in overcoming their timidity to use their English language skills and to improve their communication skills in the foreign language Spanish. Moreover, the stay abroad is intended to spark the interest in learning further European languages. Apart from gaining professional skills at the nursery school Kinder Barcelona, the students will experience the foreign culture both in every day life and on the job. They will get to know typical cultural values, perception and behavior patterns as well as traditional habits. By taking part in authentic working life situations, their experiences will get beyond encounters of a tourist, who merely meets apparent characteristics like greeting and reception, dress and eating habits. In a multi-cultural and polyglot Europe, both advanced professional skills and intercultural competences are of increasing importance. This project is targeted at conveying these special skills and competences to our students. The project picks up on the new requirements due to globalization. There will be a demand of intercultural competences and communication and language skills for the employees. Furthermore, they should be ready to adjust to new working situations and work places continuously. That is why it is a good opportunity to train and intensify these competences already during the vocational training. A stay abroad can be a big advantage in competition on the job market. The students can test their acquired knowledge and skills in a new environment and acquire new competences in addition. The aim is to acquire international competences of actions. In this project the Alice-Salomon-School is the sending institution and takes care of the coordination and project responsibility. Kinder Barcelona is the receiving institution of the project.

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