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Praxis an österreichischer Auslandsschule, Österreichisch-Ungarische Europaschule Budapest
Start date: Oct 6, 2014, End date: Oct 17, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The internship at the Austrian-Hungarian European School in Budapest provides the participant and the colleagues of our school (VS 10, Linz) a special opportunity to exchange experiences on the topic of bilingual education. Our school, the VS10 in Linz, is a school with vast linguistic diversity and a large variety of different cultures. Overcoming language barriers, in writing as well as reading during the learning process, is one of our daily challenges in the classroom. With special language support in German as well as education in native languages (Turkish, BKS, Albanian), we try to support our pupils as much as possible. Contact, discussion and an exchange with a bilingual and bicultural school is therefore very important and valuable for us. The practical placement will take place in autumn of the next school year and will last for two weeks. During this time at the school in Budapest, our participant will observe the German language teaching of Hungarian speaking students, teach in consultation with other teachers and gain an insight of the educational, methodological and didactic concepts applied at the school. An exchange of methods, discussion with colleagues as well as teaching in a multicultural and bilingual environment will also play a central role. The participant will get to know the Hungarian school system, the traditional teaching and learning methods found within the country and the origins of the Hungarian language. In addition, the host school will be offering a workshop for their students and a lecture for their teachers. The expectations of this exchange would see a gain in experience through job shadowing, as well as professional exchange of knowledge and technique amongst teachers. The VS10 would like to enrich their study with all varieties of pedagogical and didactic opportunities in teaching multilingual children, as well as optimize the combination of language training and instruction in native tongues. We would also like to find new ideas for multicultural co-existence and learning at our school through an exchange with a bicultural institution. In the long run, we hope to carefully nurture our contacts with the Austrian-Hungarian European School and develop positive exchanges beyond the time of the initial internship.
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