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Praxe učňů ve Velké Británii
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is aimed at the apprentices of three fields of study: a three-year cook and waiter course, a three-year shop assistant course and a four-year merchant course. The group of trainees will be composed of 7 waiters, 4 shop assistants and 4 merchants. The partnership is composed of two partner organisations: our school as a coordinating and at the same time sending organisation and The ADC College as a hosting organisation that will place the trainees into particular restaurants and shops. They will also take care of their accommodation and meals in London hosting families. English will be the language of communication. The ADC College is an educational facility that has been operating in Great Britain since 2009 and has a long-lasting experience with mobility within the scope of former Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The subject matter of our project is a two- week placement of the trainees in restaurants and shops as waiters and shop assistants. The objective of the project is to present / introduce the trainees into the issues of restaurant and shop operation in Great Britain. All 15 trainees will take part in their placement at the same time but they will work individually in several different companies, which means, that the highest degree of independence is guaranteed. After a thorough language preparation the trainees will take part in their placements in March-April 2015. During their stay in partner hosting organisations the trainees will acquire a range of elementary work operations in the field of restaurant service and preparation of dishes or working of shops and stores in London. The outcome of the placement is acquiring new experience in the field of participants’ educational specialisation, language improvement in a common conversation as well as a special terminology. The stay will contribute to the extension of important personal experience. After completing the placement each trainee will receive the certificate of placement - a Europass Mobility.
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1 Partners Participants