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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is arranged by the Secondary Technical School of Transport in Zvolen in the partnership with one foreign counterpart from the Czech Republic. The project provides to our students the opportunity to gain work experience abroad during their study as well. The participants of the project are fifteen students of the third form studying in the programmes Engineering and Operation of Transport and Operation and Economics of Transport. The participants are delegated to take work placement for two weeks. The fellowship will be held in the Czech Republic. Our students need to try out their abilities, knowledge and skills from school in practice for their professional and personal development and better assert on the labour market. At the same time they want to acquire practical work experience with a foreign firm, new professional knowledge and experiences, to improve their social competences, to get more independence, to learn new cultural environment and adopt to it and increase their work mobility. The programme of the fellowship is modified according to the studying specialization of the participants ( Engineering, Transport ). The grantees will work in small and middle -size businesses and organizations operating in the field of engineering, construction and transport. Each of the grantees will have his / her individual work schedule covering his / her needs. A preparatory course for the participants of cultural, professional and practical part will be given before going to the fellowship. The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of the practical part of special education of the participants and to support their enter on the labour market. The other goals of the project are : getting practice in a foreign country, union of theory with practice, gaining new professional knowledge and skills studying the organizational structure and operation of foreign firms, learning work habits. The participants support their personal development, increase their independence, flexibility, learn about lifestyle in a foreign country, learn to live in the new environment and develop their financial literacy. From the point of view of the delegating organization the cooperation with foreign partners will be strengthened, the attractiveness of study at the school will be increased and new impulses to improve educational process will be given. The output of the project concern mainly on the participants. In the framework of the fellowship they get new professional and social knowledge and competences. Every participant get a Europass of Mobility. Other outputs include photographic documentation of the project, articles on the school website and presentation. The project is also a contribution for the delegating organization which establishes and increases cooperation with foreign partners. The project reflects the demands of the regional employers looking for qualified school-leavers with work experience in their specialization in a foreign country.

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