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pratique innovante et responsable dans le management des organismes à vocation sociale
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The partner organizations wish to unite their efforts to conduct a project inspired by models of collaborative action research in order to allow the know how relating to responsible practices in the management of social organizations to emerge in Europe, share them and disseminate them widely in the professional field. The main structural axes of practices at work are : • The mobilization of local, national and Europeen resources in the construction of business and service strategies (logical local development and planning) • Participatory management practices of social action , involving professionals, volunteers , users and partners (logical empowerment and cooperative model ) • The integration of social and environmental responsibility in managerial practices in the sector ( logical consistency and congruence between practices and goals / objectives and means ) • The modeling of " social management " as a distinct pattern of other managerial field (private, public) and open to contemporary contributions of management science • The assertion of an ethical act in social management that can result in practices and references identified and associated tools The main objectives of this project are: • Identify, conceptualize and formalize the positive management practices social work in partner countries • Mapping the issues and management needs of social action in different countries ( current constraint systems ) • Encourage sharing and meeting management practitioners of social action in the three countries for the sake of sharing and enrichment • Disseminate through highlights ( seminars , workshops ) of appropriate educational tools and open access (e- management handbook free download , MOOC website or resource training ) and in academic training practices and identified and pooled • Participate in the emergence and consolidation of a European model of management of social organizations About 40 directors will be the fied group of the project, and the seminar will mobilize about 60 stakeholders, and the study days and symposium about 200 This project will involve therefore the following conditions: • Conducting a survey in each country on managerial practices in the social and medico -social institutions, mobilized models and challenges • networking of professionals in each country and leaders of social actors to model field practices and consider appropriate and responsible practices through action research days (5 days in the court of the first year of the project in each countries). These professionals will be mobilized by the project partners in their network • The organization of three (3) one-week seminars in France , Luxembourg and Romania for participants from the three countries involved to meet in a dynamic and co- construct knowledge (training actions ) • The organization of two study days in France to be contributory to the French production and will be open to participants from Luxembourg and Romania • The production of educational tools Released: MOOC or resource website and E- manual free download from the results of research and seminars • The organization of a symposium at the end of the project in France to broadcast and comparison of results with the actors in the social and academic These tools will be mobilized in three key steps: • Step 1 September to January 2014 Status and collection practices : a questionnaire broadcasted in each country and a day's work with actors directors or officers of field social field survey will identify the key issues and map the current practices social management • Step 2 January 2015 to April 2016 Pooling and formalization Through days of action research with participants and seminars , participants will be encouraged to share their experiences, share and formalize feeding at the same time future dissemination tools • Step 3 April to August 2016 the distribution of the manual , the MOOC and conducting a conference will widely disseminate the contributions of action research and training actions
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4 Partners Participants