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Praktykujemy w Europie!
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project titled „Wir üben uns in Europa!“ contains the professional internships (for logistics and hotel business) in German companies for 40 students and graduates and 4 professional teachers of the comprehensive school for economy called Jan Pawel II im Glogow (ZSE in Jana Pawla II in Glogow). The participants derive from Glogow and surrounding villages. 3 groups will take part in the project: the 1st and 3rd group are students of the Technikum (each group includes 16 people), the 2nd group contains 4 graduates, 4 logistic students and 4 professional teacher for gastronomical jobs (13 days in the 2nde group). Each group is accompanied by 1-2 tutors. The participation of the professional teachers shows their willingness and ability to learn new things according to their occupation and the adaption of didactic methods to the needs of European employers. After the internship the professional teachers will comply the role of multiplicators, spreading their gained knowledge with their colleagues.The partner group embrace 14 institutions: ZSE im. Jana Pawła II in Głogow (project leader and sending organization), a German coordinator Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH and 12 receiving establishments in Germany (gastronomical industry and logistic). The students and graduates realize a 26 day long internship (plus 2 days for travelling) in following months: October/November 2016, May/June 2017 and October/November 2017.The project consider the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme and is based on elements of the ECVET system, which was made and enlarged by the project coordinator and the German partner. The confirmation of the gained abilities are the CV-Europass, Europass-mobility and certificates, which every student will get after a successful internship.The project should bring following advantages for the students:a) Increasing of a job chance and better perspectives for their working futureb) Development of language skills, higher motivation to learn foreign languagesc) Learn practical job capabilities, appreciated on the European job marketd) Get to know the function and structure of an German companye) Development of independence and entrepreneurial spiritf) Expansion of the cultural awareness and sensibilityg) Equalize the chance for people living in a city or the rural area to have the same education possibilitiesh) Gain mobility on the European job market, open mindedness for changesi) Development of computer skills (Internet, computer programmes) j) Increasing of professional competencies through professional teachers and their adaption to the European needs.The school will enhance their education offer and is able to match the learning programs to the needs of the employers.The publication aims among other things the willingness and ability to learn new things and encourage other subjects to realize EU projects. We hope that our action allows us to propose a motion for accreditation in 2017. The long term aim is the development of the international work of the school, increasing of the quality of the teachers, headmaster and colleagues in the school and a better quality of the professional education. The project starts at the 01.06.2016 and least until 31.05.2018.

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