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,,Praktyki zawodowe we Włoszech szansą na zatrudnienie i sukces zawodowy"
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Name of the Project : “Vocational traineeship in Italy as a chance of employment and professional success”. Sixteen students of the Tony Halik Complex of Upper Secondary Schools No. 1 (Zespół Szkoł Ponadgimnazjalnych im. Tony Halika) in Ożarów Mazowiecki will be participate in the project. The students are educated to work in the following professions: hotel industry technician, nutrition and catering technician and cook . The project corresponds to the needs of the labour market. Employers require in this area professional experience and very good command of at least two foreign languages. Students have problems to satisfy these requirements and therefore to get in the future a satisfactory job corresponding to their education. Students will have part of their education abroad - 3 weeks' vocational traineeship abroad during the mobility project. The project corresponds to the need of multidirectional development of students-participants in the project, broadening their vocational, language and multicultural competence, as well as personal development so that, after leaving school, they could successfully start professional and life activity, in the European Union – without borders. The transition from school to employment and become independent. The project corresponds to the needs of the European labour market . Employers require in this area professional experience and very good command of at least two foreign languages. Students have problems to satisfy these requirements and therefore to get in the future a satisfactory job corresponding to their education which discourages them to learn and consequently did not finish school. In our school, this applies to more 20%. The choice of Italy as a place to practice due to the tradition of hospitality in the country, the current world Italian cuisine and the needs and interests of the students. It is an attraction for them to participate in vocational traineeship. The main vocational aims are as follows: broadening theoretical and practical knowledge from the area of hotel industry and catering and this increase the level of professional quality of education at school. Gaining the qualification: “Customer service in an establishment providing hotel services” Part 1: Keeping cleanliness and order in residential units Part 2. Preparation and serving of breakfasts - for students in the profession of a hotel worker for eight participants; and the qualification: “Preparation of meals and drinks” - for students in the profession of a nutrition and catering technician and a cook for eight participants, in line with the applicable curriculum of the vocational traineeship within the scope of the traineeship curriculum. Language aims include getting acquainted with professional vocational terminology in the English language and the basic of the Italian as part of the e-learning platform Eurocatering; language development in communication situations; multicultural aims include broadening competence as part of prepared classes and vocational, didactic and recreational trips organised during the traineeship. Personal and social competence: ability to cooperate in an international group, responsibility for results of teamwork and individual work, dealing with new and difficult situations during the stay. Achievement of the expected results will be confirmed by certificates from the places of the traineeship, the Europass Mobility document and verified by hotels from Ożarów Mazowiecki, where students will present the acquired skills during continuation of the traineeship. Conclusions will be drawn as to the use of advantages and good practices of vocational education in Italy for improvement of vocational education in the school, in particular vocational traineeships and preparation of students for the practical part of the vocational examination. in Italy and in Poland during a teleconference summarising the traineeship. The conclusions will be publicised and used for improvement of vocational education in the school, in particular vocational traineeships and preparation of students for the practical part of the vocational examination. Thanks to participation in traineeships abroad, students will become more mobile on the European labour market and this will also increase the level of transparency and recognition of qualifications and competence of students who complete our school, increase the level of quality and attractiveness of education. For students, it will become an incentive to achieve good learning results. They will pass the practical vocational examination better. The initiated and maintained cooperation will facilitate starting work on the Italy labour market. Traineeships-internships will take place in Italy on the following dates: 1 May – 21 May 2016 The school has participated in the LDV Mobility 2013 funded by EFS PO-KL.

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