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Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will be implemented by the National Association for Entrepreneurship Encouragement (NAEE) from Konskie (the body applying) in the partnership with the Centre of Professional Training (CPT) from Szydlowiec (Poland) and Tellus z Plymouth (UK). Before the implementation of the project NAEE will sign an agreement about cooperation with CPT and a contract with Tellus concerning implementation of the project where all the parties will get their responsibilities. The project is about organizing apprenticeship in Plymouth (GB) for 10 pupils in the initial phase of their proffesional training as a carpenter who are being trained in CPT and who go to public vocational school in Szydlowiec and public special vocational school at CPT. The possibility of the participants to take part in apprenticeship will give new skills and practical knowledge in the field of technology using in British carpenter industry. The aim of the project is to increase competences of young people which are necessary to set own business, to educate the attitude of being enterprising, assertive, creative and open to new activities. To do it correctly the participants will be instructed with the topic of setting own business according to standards and needs of European Union. The topic connected with setting micro and small business and the dynamics of their development in Poland supported by practical giving the sources of funding the business (POKL, PUP) will be an important element of this project.The apprenticeship will take 2 weeks and will take place in British carpenter workshops. The expected departure term is July 2017.The trip will be connected with the knowledge of everyday life people living there. The young trainee will be able to feel the membership to the EU and the lack of barriers between countries. This project provides preparation activities: English course, pedagogical and cultural preparation (in the country of departure as well). All participants are at the beginning of their professional education stage, aged between 16-19. The most of the participants have never been abroad, they have got a low level of language preparation. This causes their fear from movement and their low self-esteem. This project is compatible with the needs. It encourages activity to “cross borders” ( more mobility), it rises the level of own skills and stimulates to learn English. The sense of lower value and fear of the unknown in cultural and moral aspect will get lower if all participants take part in preparation classes ( the knowledge of the country, extra classes, customs, culture). Trainees will have an opportunity to learn how to manage different situations, where it is needed to break language barriers. They will have much bigger chances to find a good job at Polish or foreign employers. This is an effective fight against the unemployment which is very high in szydłowiecki district. This project meets the needs of the participants and the labor market as well.iU. The project will last for 13 months. The results of the project:Rising professional skills among the participants through obtaining new knowledge and experience (proved by Europass Mobility)Rising language skills and competences, especially within the professional vocabulary (certificates)Rising competity of the participants in the labour marketInspiring at least 80% of participants to work in EU countries .Increasing of self-esteem with 80% of participants.Increasing of the level of the enterprisewith 70% of participantsCreating intercultural competences such as being open, tolerance, acceptationRising quality of training, improved rates of passing the proffesional final examRising the significance and prestige of the NAEE on the national and international marketIncrising skills and knowledge of NAEE staff in the field of implementation of international projectsThe dissiminating activities will concentrate on maximum durance and recognition of the results of the project as well as the widest possible applying of them. The wide promotion of the project and its results will lead to the rising interest of different institutions from the district and its neighbours to the idea of foreign apprenticeship. The project will be an excellent promotion of international cooperation and cooperation between local educational and training establishments. It will also become a promotion of the institutions implementing the project and the project's results.
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