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Praktyka zawodowa w Portugalii, Hiszpanii i Włoszech szansą lepszego startu zawodowego dla uczniów Zespołu Szkół nr 2 w Sanoku
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The target group of the project was 48 students of the third year of their secondary education in the Complex of Schools No 2 in Sanok, students training to become: teleinformatics technicians, mechanic technicians and automotive service technicians. Students took a 4-week training in firms and companies connected with the field of their education in Portugal, Spain and Italy. Students were divided into three groups. Three scheduled mobilities have been completed. In May 2015 students training to become electronics technicians and auto-motive technicians went to Portugal, in September 2015 students of teleinformatics were sent and in May 2016 mechanic technicians and automotive service technicians took part in the mobility. Before taking part in the internship, students got linguistic, cultural and pedagogical support: 20 lessons of vocational English, 10 lessons of cultural classes, 10 hours of pedagogical suport. According to the project during their stay abroad, the students had to participate in language classes of the country in which mobility was supposed to place (Portugese- 15 hours, Spanish- 10 hours, Italian- 10 hours), but because of the very high price of courses offered and their basic program, we decided to conduct courses in Spanish and Italian in Poland before departure. To ensure the quality the classes were conducted by qualified teachers and in groups smaller than 10 students.The idea of a professional training abroad is a response to a serious problem which occurred in our school: weak recruitment to school, poor grades, and consequently poor results of Vocational and Matura Exams. As a result, fewer students decide to continue their education after secondary school, and even not all of them take the exams. After examining the problem, measures were taken to solve the problem, for example increasing the number of hours for subjects which are obligatory during the exam, introduction of new attractive faculties, however an in-depth analysis in the form of interviews and surveys showed that the primary cause of failures is lack of students' motivation for learning, lack of faith in their abilities and lack of prospects for the future. An additional problem is the nationwide trend, which is a greater popularity of general education over vocational education among young high school students. Our local authorities have also been trying hard to change the situation, for example by promoting vocational education, reducing the number of classes of general education in the town. Unfortunately, these efforts have not brought the desired results. Young people still preferred learning in general education high schools. To change this situation, we have developed the project, whose main aim was to increase students' motivation to develop knowledge and improve professional skills, gain new professional skills, improve language skills, including professional English, increase mobility of participants, increase their chances on European and national labour market, increase their self-esteem and intercultural competence (openness, tolerance), enhance quality and attractiveness of vocational education in our school and region. Most of our students come from poor families, so they could see their chance in finding a good job in our region. Professions offered by our school, according to the data from the District Work Centre, are needed, but after discussions with representatives of the regional market (mainly Eltel, Automet and Ciarko, FHU ST PLUS- appendix 2), there is a big competition and employers prefer candidates with the preparation including latest technology and specific skills. After further consultations the list of such skills was created to put emphasis on them during training, unfortunately on the basis of the equipment we possess in our regional centres and companies, not all of these skills can be implemented. As a result of searching we found out that the companies A.I.A.M., EUROPROYECTOS i Associazione A Rocca were able to provide us with the necessary base and equipment.The practice program was developed on the basis and requirements of programs of training practice based on the curriculum for vocational training, but it was supposed to be implemented basing on the latest facilities and equipment and focusing on learning new technologies and acquiring skills particularly desired by the local job market. The most important results of the project are: obtaining an Europass mobility document, getting points in ECVET system, acquisition of new professional skills, improving language skills and completing European Language Passport, increasing mobility of participants, increasing their chances on European and national labour market, increasing self-esteem, motivation for learning, which will have impact on decreasing the number of early school-leavers. Students gained intercultural competence. Quality and attractiveness of vocational education in our school and region were increased.

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