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Praktycznie w Europie+
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " Praktycznie w Europie + " will be implemented by Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Nr 1 w Łęczycy for 56 participants ( including 33 girls and 23 boys) learning in the following professions : 1. nutrition and food service organizations - 22 people ( 19 girls and 3boys ) 2 hotel services - 16 people ( 13girls and 3 boys ) 3 car repair and maintenance - 12 boys 4. builders - 6 people ( 1girls , 5boys) The main aims, based on the needs of the participants and the participants, schools and employers , are as follows: 1. to improve the quality of practical training at school 2. to enable the acquisition of practical skills, which would turn attractive on the labour market , 3. enhancing growth in language and social skills of participating students , 4. students' personal development, 5. to enable the participants to get acquainted with the requirements of the European labour market, as well as its operating rules. The students will take part in: a 20 -hour course of English and German, reminding the vocabulary and phrases gained in the course of school , a 8-hour cultural preparation and guidance. Students will take part in a 4-week vocational training in Berlin ( Germany) and Plymouth (United Kingdom). Foreign partners, chosen by the school, participating in the project, will provide all the participants with an attractive place for the training , mentoring and interesting cultural preparation . All the activities mentioned above are thought to enable the project to achieve the following results: 1. the school (the applicant) will improve the quality of vocational training, 2. 56 participating students will raise their professional skills , 3. 56 participating students will raise their language and social skills, 4. at least 80 % of the participants will notice their personal development ( self-esteem, self-confidence , self-reliance , etc. ) least 80 % of the participants will raise their consciousness to freely choose their place of work. The project will have an impact on its participants, school , employers, local community , local authorities and other subjects in the country and the European Union.
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