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Praktinių kompetencijų įgyjimas būsimiems ūkininkams užsienyje
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The production of agriculture depends on agriculture machinery, its conditions and services provided. In the last 10 years the level of agriculture machinery is improving. The machinery is bigger, they are better, but at the same time they are more complicated. Not every farmer is bale to understand the ways of repairing it. It requires workers of higher qualification, there is a need of good services and people able to repair them. Our school does not have a possibility to give practical skills required to repair nowadays agricultural machines, so the purpose of this project is to give students a possibility to gain practical skill while doing practice in Austria because there local farmers use very new tractors and other equipment and students can repair them. In Lithuania the level of mechanization in small and average farms is very low, technologies sometimes do not meet our times. There is a growth of family farms, ecological farms, the need for good quality products inside and in foreign markets. Young farmers miss skills how to improve the productivity of various vegetables, to develop compete farm, strengthen the entepreneurship. our students are from farms which have difficulties to compete in market. Also they do not have the ability to work with modern equipment. Our school does not have possibilities for students to gain practice while growing different vegetables, ecological vegetables. The aim of this project is to give future farmers possibility to gain practical skills while growing, looking after and realizing various vegetables, to grow vegetables ecologically. Practice in international surrounding will spread students view, they will learn to trust themselves, to be independent, responsible, willing and be able to study lifelong. The competences gained in European countries will ensure more successful students' career. Students will improve linguistic competences: will use English knowledge practically and learn some basic Finnish/Austrian phrases. Gained skills will help them to be more competable in European labour market, encourage creating their own business and it will reduce the number of unemployed people. Participants will be students seeking to get Agricultural Machinery service worker and Agroservice workers' professions. They are students who want to gain practical skills while looking after and repairing different agricultural machines and techniques. It will be students of II and III year. The participants of the project who go to Austria will prepare PowerPoint presentations about activities done in practice period, gained competences, skills and groups of four will make make more detailed presentations of one topic: 1. Technical checking and diagnostics of tractors. 2. Repairing various problems in tractors. 3. repairing various problems in different agricultural machineries.4. technical checking and diagnostics of harvest machines, agricultural machines, trailers, agricultural implements. 4. repairing different problems in agricultural implements. 5. preparing agricultural machines for winter. Participants who go to Germany, Finladn, Norway will prepare PowerPoint presentations about skills, competencies gained during the period of practice, and in groups of 2/3 will prepare reports to one topic. The topics: 1. Preparing soil for seeding carrots, seeding and looking after during the vegetation period 2. Preparing soil for planting potatoes, planting and looking after during the vegetation 3. Preparing soil for leaves vegetables, planting them and looking after them 4. harvesting carrots, preparing them for winter, keeping 5.harvesting potatoes, preparing them for winter, keeping 6.harvesting leaves vegetables, preparing them for winter, keeping All the material will be put at Joniskis Agricultural School’s webpage, which address is well known and publicated in order this information could be easily found by Other schools’ students, teachers, farmers and they can find information about repairing some mechanical features and technologies of growing vegetables. There also will be the final event where participants will present reports about gained competencies during the practice. It will be a great chance for participants themselves to share gained competencies, to get acquainted with other countries features where their classmates were, vocational subject teachers will get acquainted with students’ gained knowledge and skills and renew their own knowledge.
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4 Partners Participants