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Praktično usposabljanje v tujini 2014
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a Secondary School of Civil Engineering, Land Surveying and Environmental Studies from Ljubljana, Slovenia, which educates young people for independent, creative, high-quality and responsible work. The vision of our school, created together with students, parents, teachers and partners in the local environment and economy is to make our students successful in time of their education and their professional carier. Our partners in the project are the Agency VITALIS Betreuungsgesellschaft für Modellprojekte mbH Leipzig in Germany, with which we have cooperated previously, and the Istituto istruzione superiore enrico fermi from Formia, Italy. We want our students to learn about the importance of lifelong learning, philosophy and reality of sustainable development. In agreement with us our partners will provide for us construction and land surveying companies, where our students and one teacher will get work placements. ITC International from Prague, Chech Republic will provide another teacher to participate in a course Encouraging Creative Thinking. The objectives of our project are to thoroughly prepare students to go abroad, where they are confronted by the profession, foreign culture, country, language and foreign labour market. We take care of their personal growth and training in a teamwork. Themes of our project are to acquire new skills and practical experience in the construction field and land surveying, learn about work organization and working methods as well as deepening their social and linguistic competencies. In the previous experiences our students had to successfully present themselves, their school and their country of origin. They had to use the foreign language actively and gain professional and academic knowledge, enriched by working experience, professional excursions and tour sites. Participants of Erasmus Plus will do a three-week work placement. They want to meet the goals of the program and to perform their work well. For this project we have registered 8 students of secondary technical education, registered in the programs of civil engineering and land surveying. One participant will join a course Encouraging Creative Thinking. The criteria for selection of participants include academic results, interest in the profession, knowledge of the professional computer programs, foreign language skills, exemplary behavior and participation in other school activities and willingness to learn new cultures. To prepare for work abroad teachers will conduct preparatory workshops and the camp. Lecturers will be also invited from institutions, other than our school. Ex participants of this project will present their work abroad. Teachers will also present their own experiences abroad and tell them what is expected from them as future participants. The workshops will focus on the mission and vision of our school, the way of presenting themselves, the school and Slovenia. They will learn about the foreign country in which they will work, how to write a job application and resume work on personal growth. They will be trained in teamwork and lifelong learning. Teachers encourage responsible behavior, evaluate the already acquired knowledge and skills, encourage students to be creative and to acquire for themselves a sense of work excellent. Expected results and impacts are as following. They are able to evaluate the already acquired knowledge and skills, they are creative and can work in a team. Students meet industry, foreign culture, country and language, and foreign labour market. They gain new skills and practical experience in the construction field. They also learn about the work of the organization and methods of work. They deepen social and linguistic competences.
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3 Partners Participants