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Praktično usposabljanje dijakov in učiteljev Grm Novo mesto
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Grm Novo mesto – Centre of biotechnics and tourism implements educational programmes in the field of agriculture, horticulture, nature protection, food-processing, tourism and catering. At Grm, 922 students are included in secondary education, being taught by 90 professionals. For some years, the Centre Grm has been implementing completely updated, competence-based and modularly designed educational programmes which offer a higher degree of electiveness as well as competences for carrying out more jobs. A constitutent part of the educational programme is practical training which students do for an employer. Within the project, 37 students of the Centre, registered in various secondary school programmes, had practical training abroad, being accompanied by 6 teachers-mentors and 5 professionals, while one professional had do the teaching abroad. The chosen students pursue secondary vocational programmes (3 years), vocational technical programmes (3+2), and secondary technical programmes (4 years). The students in this target group have chosen – within the elective curriculum and open curriculum – various professional modules which lead them to the acquisition of various specific professional standards. The participants had practical training in the field of horsebreeding, viticulture and wine-making, forestry, horticulture, nature protection, tourism and catering. The partners offering practical training are the following: Inštitut Yla Savon, Finland; SZSU Gjorce Petrov Kavadarci, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Zespol Szkol Inzynierii Srodowiska, Poland; Zespol Szkol Gastronimiczno, Poland; Vanco Pitosheski, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Ugostiteljska škola Opatija, Croatia . Practical training were implemented in different time-periods, according to the field of practical training. Language, cultural and teaching preparation were organised in advance for the participants. During the training, students combined theoretical and practical knowledge and use it in concrete work situations. Professionals learnt about different systems of education and training and new methods of work and teaching and compare them. All the participants learnt about other countries, their cultures and differences between them as well the European project and the values of the EU. During the training, they used at least one foreign language, the knowledge of which they additionally consolidated. After the end of the training, the participants acquired the certificate Europass mobility, this way they become more recognisable in the labour market as well as more employable in the domestic and foreign market. Within the project, the Centre is even more closely linked to the partner countries and will continue the cooperation between education and practical training for the employers (school – employer).
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6 Partners Participants