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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe Europe 2020 Strategy underlines the need for education that meets labor market needs, provide better integration into the labor market, investing in human capital through act upon the education and skills of the human lifetime (Europe 2020 - A European Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, European Commission, 2010). In his work in the field LatConsul Ltd. wants to be a professional, internationally recognized organization, and to ensure the continuous upgrading of our students a high quality labor market relevant education and skills. With the project we wanted to achieve the following objectives: 1. To improve the quality of vocational education and content, learning from the other EU countries; 2. To provide an international experience for our students, and to ensure the linkage between education and the labor market, providing international practice; 3. To strengthen internal capacity by providing the expertise to manage and organize the international practice; 4. Strengthen intercultural and cross-border cooperation between us and the partner organizations in Spain; 5. To disseminate the project results. We wanted to strengthen Ltd. LatConsul offered vocational education to improve its quality. Ltd. LatConsul employees who took part in the observation, gained experience and knowledge of international practices in the organization as a sending organization.    April 2015 was changed partner, due to the host organization - euroMind Projects (Spain) - refusal to admit trainers based on financial considerations. euroMind organization was replaced by the experienced company DomSpain Consulting (Spain), in consultation with the project goals, plan activities and budget lines, expressed its willingness to accept LatConsul representatives in June 2015. The company "LatConsul" has already established successful cooperation with these organizations Ka2 Strategic Partnership project "Open the Door to Europe" program, where DomSpain Consulting is a leading organization. DomSpain Consulting is a professional organization that provides placements for pupils and teachers at the international level and cooperates with the Spanish VET, adult education institutions and businesses, as well as local authorities that will ensure implementation of the project according to plan. DS Consulting in collaboration with LatConsul developed a mobility program of the visit, which provided for both the observation and exchange of experience and know local culture in accordance with the objectives of the project. Contracts entered into by the mobility participants are they aware of the nature of the project, the progress and challenges, as well as gathering all participants documents required for the project. Purchase of flight tickets to all the mobility participants and reserved accommodations. Entered information about the project Mobility Tool website. It held in Spanish basic language training participants. To mobility journey it had to be members of the insurance purchase, and take daily subsistence allowance allocation. Also had to provide information to participants before the same trip on current information, logistics, accommodation, meals, mobility programs and other important issues. All works have been successfully completed. Europass Mobility Documents forms were submitted, the filling before and during the trip was provided as well as they were issued to participants upon return. After returning into Mobility Tool site were requested and etered by all participants individual reports, and the process have been supervised in order to ensure the filling quality, as well as current information into the site was secured. According to the project dissemination plan it was provided information Inserting partner websites and social networks. The company's internal meeting discussed the course of the project, the experience and knowledge which will be integrated into the company's activities.

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