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Practice@Business: transferring, applying and disseminating Practice Enterprise methodology in Portugal
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Practice@Business” was born from a consortium between the Portuguese organization OIKOS, the EUROPEN (coordinator of the International and European networks of Practice Enterprises) and the Fundació Inform (representative of one of the central national offices of these networks), in order to transfer the Practice Enterprise methodology to Portugal, and to create, evaluate and disseminate a new pedagogical model based on this methodology adapted to the country's reality and, in particular, to working with young NEET (young people not in employment, education or training).The need for this intervention was felt when, under a project to train young NEET for employment, the applicant became aware of the existence and the success of this methodology, but was confronted with its total inapplicability in the country. Taking as target groups, the technicians who work with young people in Portugal and the young Portuguese people, it is expected that, at the end of the project: a) The Practice Enterprises methodology has been transferred to the Portuguese organization OIKOS, which, not only will use it in future projects directed to young people, especially to young NEET, with obvious benefits for them, but also aspires to create a national central office of Practice Enterprises to support the establishment of new Practice Enterprises by other Portuguese organizations; b) A new pedagogical model based on this methodology and adapted to the Portuguese reality and the specific training of young NEET has been created, tested and evaluated, through the setting up of an Practice Enterprise with a pilot group of 15 young people NEET, with clear benefits in their employability, and with impact in the knowledge gathered about the potential of application of the methodology; c) The methodology Practice Enterprises and the new pedagogical model adapted to the Portuguese reality have been disseminated, reaching 1050 Technicians / organizations working with young people in Portugal, through the preparation, presentation and online dissemination of a "Guide to the implementation of Practice Enterprises methodology with young people in Portugal ", with impact in the future mobilization of these technicians to transfer this methodology to their own organizations and to use it with the young people with whom they work. This project is divided into three phases (each of them pursuing a specific goal that contributes to the overall purpose of the intervention) that integrate different activities: PHASE 1: Aims to transfer the Practice Enterprises methodology to the Portuguese context, by dislocating the associated teaching tools and training human resources for its use and dissemination. Integrates the activities:A1: Capacity building training for the application and dissemination of the methodology Practice Enterprises, addressed to 3 Portuguese Technicians working with young people;A2: Transfer of the pedagogical resources necessary for the application of Practice Enterprises methodology to 1 Portuguese organization. PHASE 2: Aims to create, test and evaluate a new pedagogical model based on this methodology adapted to the Portuguese reality and to the specific work of empowering young NEET for employability. Integrates the activities: A3: Construction of 1 pedagogical plan adapted to train soft skills with Portuguese young NEET using the methodology Practice Enterprises;A4: Test of 1 pedagogical plan to train soft skills with young NEET in a pilot group of 15 young people, through the setting up of a Practice Enterprise; A5: Transactional meeting to evaluate the creation and the application to the Portuguese reality of the new pedagogical model. PHASE 3: It aims to inform Portuguese educators working with young people, particularly with young NEET, about the Practice Enterprises methodology and the new pedagogical model based in this methodology which was created under the project. Integrates the activities:A6: Preparation of 1 Guide to the application of the Practice Enterprises methodology with young people in Portugal, directed to organizations and technicians who work with young people;A7: Transnational meeting to validate the Guide to the application of the Practice Enterprises methodology with young people in Portugal;A8: Organization of 1 event to present the Guide to the application of the Practice Enterprises methodology with young people in Portugal, directed to organizations and technicians who work with young people, involving 50 technicians;A9: Online dissemination of the Guide to the implementation of the Practice Enterprises methodology with young people in Portugal, directed to organizations and technicians who work young people.

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