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Practice and innovative applications on bakery - confectionery
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

FIRST FLOW: The program "practice and innovative applications on bakery - confectionery" refers to two (2) weeks practice and study tour of twelve (12) students (beneficiaries) of D.IEK Karpenisiou (sending partner) (Public Institute of Vocational Training), accompanied by an escort/professor in Granada, Spain visiting the Europroyectos Erasmus Plus SL Organization (host partner) to practical training on issues related to the field of bakery - pastry. These students need practice in their specialty, let alone in a foreign country to acquire professional rights therefore be potential entrepreneurs. These students have basic computer skills and the majority speak the English language at a satisfactory level . The objective of this proposal is the practical training of students in catering businesses in Spain in collaboration with the agency Europroyectos Erasmus Plus S.L. which will give the opportunity to our students for in situ comparison of businesses, business methods and techniques and to more easily adopt good practices in their field . The training of students will contribute to:- The improvement of the quality and of the access to continuing vocational training and lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies..- The professional development and the improvement of their performance and the cultivation of the triptych: Knowledge-Skills-Attitudes.- Also, the visit will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge / experience and so on linking education with society.- The social marginalization in the Greek region due to lack of expertise will be fought.- Leaving the educational isolation we become members of an online community and achieve and equal inclusion in the modern European reality.SECOND FLOW: The program "technical seminars in the specialty of tourism" refers to one (1) week study visit eight (8) Instructors of the D.IEK Karpenisiou (Public Institute of Vocational Training), in Granada, Spain, visiyting the Europroyectos Erasmus Plus S.L. Organization in order to train on issues related to the wider tourism sector. Instructors need training on issues related to this sector, after living in a tourist place (Karpenisi) and in particular to teach in disciplines directly related to tourism, such as that of "technical agritourism" we have at IEK. After all the data is constantly changing and developments are so fast that one is in need of continuous training in order to be thoroughly aware. The instructors have basic computer skills and the majority of them speak the English language. Their further training in the technical issues related to their specialty is imperative and a necessary complement of their overall education. Additionally, the new knowledge about the educational system in Spain will expand their horizons towards a more broad view of education.With this mobility project we hope to achieve exchange of views and ideas on the topic of tourism, as well as a close encounter and understanding of the educational system of an advanced European country, from which just the comparison with our own educational system will offer us invaluable experiences.Additionally the trans-nationality will:• improve the quality of school education and strengthen its European dimension,• improve the methods and the process of teaching and learning, and the handling of difficult school situations,• promote language learning and intercultural awareness.The projects will be implemented over a period of two (2) years. In this it is included also the whole process implemented or to be in order to find the host partner, the choice of subject, the formulation of the implementation plan, and the full repayment. Upon completion of the programs and the dissemination of knowledge gained in these (with workshops, e-papers, press releases, etc.) we hope to establish a solid foundation on which we will step in order to be soon able to keep up with similar with us educational institutions from abroad.
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