Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES XABIER ZUBIRI-MANTEO BHI is a college located in San Sebastian. Our college provides secondary and vocational education in different areas (business, computing, tourism, marketing and jewelry) as well as re-training courses, courses for adults and unemployed. One of the school aims is to be an inclusive school. Each student is welcome, no matter their nationality, background, social status or age, and we put all the necessary mediums and efforts to fulfill their needs. We are 1500 students and 120 teaching staff. The college is involved in several innovative and international projects with TKNIKA, IKASLAN and Berritzegune. Internationalization is an axis of the college’s strategic plan, with an ultimate goal of increasing the employability of our students. The international activities are updated for each course, always following the lifelong learning and mobility objectives defined in the Copenhagen process (Copenhagen Process, Bruges 2010) and in the strategy Europe 2020 (ET 2020). Within the Erasmus + program, students job placements are meant to obtain a comprehensive education for these students. So that they are able to respond to the market requirements but also to improve the understanding in the following areas: human capital for cohesion and competitiveness, training throughout life and quality assurance in VET europass, and a transparent framework for qualifications and competences. We are applying for ten mobilities for VET students’ job placements and three mobilities for tutors. There are different stages in the activities of the whole process; pedagogical preparation, linguistic preparation, cultural preparation, job training period and evaluation. The methodology of the project also has a working plan; needs analysis (internal call for participation, interests, …), project development, partners selection, participants selection (according to the criteria defined), job placement period and evaluation. The results and impact expected of this project are summarized in four points, also in Erasmus chart’s college’s policy statement and which are also applicable to VET. The expected impact of the program in the modernisation of our school can be summarised as follows: 1. Increasing attainment levels to provide the participants Europe needs. Our participation in the program increases vocational training prestige, allowing to raise the number of students at this stage of education. Increasing participation in vocational education and training is one way to improve competitiveness. Globalisation, restructuring, innovation and transition to a knowledge based economy require a better qualified labour force. Taking part in the programme will foster a spirit of international collaboration and cooperation leading to research and shared knowledge. 2. Improving the quality and relevance of VET education. Mobility and cooperation programmes are the main objectives in our strategic plan. Thanks to our participation in the international programmes, our students will acquire and improve significantly their personal abilities and curricula; e.g. language skills, social skills, multicultural skills, enhance active citizens. 3. Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border co-operation. Intermediate-level technicians will improve their skills and mobilities help staff and students increase their professsional, social and intercultural skills and employability. 4. Making the knowledge triangle work: Linking education, research and business for excellence and regional development. Agreements between companies, regional institutions and training centres lead to smoother communication and further cooperation. The transfer of needs and knowledge from and to the market is more effective. 5. Improving governance and funding. By optimising resources we intend to achieve the internationalisation plan goals and modernise our school. One of the fundamental principals is to ensure equal access and opportunities to mobile participants from all backgrounds. The benefit for participants in these programs is for both short and long term. The expectations for this traineeships in Europe results are in addition to acquire the skills, to motivate the participant to continue studying and / or working to build their personal and professional future, being also active and engaged citizens in their community.

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