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Prácticas en Países Europeos
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The PEPE project ( Practices in European Countries ) was presented by IES Prado de Santo Domingo ( Alcorcón) within mobility projects Erasmus +. Its beneficiaries were students of iIVT belonging to the the following professionals branches: Health, Electricity & Electronics. The programe was devoted to complete their internship (FCT in Spain acronym) in companies in Italy. The analysis of the labour market shows that a range of skills are needed for IVT students:mobility, initiative, ability to relate, languages and teamwork skills, among others. These skills can be enhanced through participation in mobility projects. Therefore the EME project aimed to: Improve personal and professional skills of the participants, increase their chances of employability, enhance their language skills, promote geographical mobility within the European single market, knowledge of the labour market in other European countries, approach the students to other cultures and become more aware of European citizenship. The project had a duration of 02 months and performed a single stream of participants between March and June.

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