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Practical training a pathway to a future career
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The professional training, education and accessing of a job are an integrative part of the economic and social policies necessary to the metamorphosis of the European economy. The educational and professional training systems tend to adapt to the requests of knowing the society as well as to the needs determined by the wish of improving the degree and quality of occupying the labor force. This project will promote the cooperation amongst school, the economic sector and the European organizations that provide training, according to the Europe 2020 strategy and will give to the school and the participants the chance that the specific module, comprised in the Professional Preparation Standard for this specialization, to be followed in the European space, and the accomplishment of the training to be done in representative units of this sector. The target group will be made out of the 10th grade students, Services branch of studies, Tourism and nourishment field, having as a purpose the increase of the learning motivation, the development of some applied professional abilities and the acquirement of some real professional experiences, that should help them, after graduating, to get a permanent job in the chosen professional field, to promote the initiative and the entrepreneurial spirit. The project proposes the following general objectives: the increase of the qualification level of students in order for them to achieve a qualification according to the requests of the labor market; encouragement of communicating in a foreign language and of multilinguism. The specific aims of the project are: 1. Acquiring of knowledge and abilities of professional communication and behavior in hotel field 2. Development of the necessary abilities for preparing and maintenance of the accommodation spaces, administration of the floor department 3. Development of the necessary abilities for administrating the floor department, hotel services 4. Acquiring of knowledge regarding the putting into practice of the quality regulations in the hotel field The training stage meets the participants’ needs of acquiring professional knowledge and abilities, of developing capacities, skills, acquirements and attitudes that should lead to forming the adequate competences to their field, of improving and enriching their technical vocabulary, of acquiring specialized terms in a foreign language, of developing communicative relationships, of developing the team work abilities, of problem solving abilities, creativity, analysis capacity, adaptability, tolerance, empathy, trust in their own capacities.. The aim of the project is to assure access to a qualitative education for the students from the vocational and technical education, to form at students capacities of lifelong learning, as well as to help to a harmonious social integration, including the increasing of chances of following further learning ways that should facilitate them the finding of a job in a modern, flexible, inclusive labor market. Following the stages of practice in representative units of the field will stimulate and support the students in the management of their own career, will promote a learning process centered on the values of democracy, non-discrimination, diversity and respect for the other’s values, on the students’ needs, on the needs of students with their own individual features. The participants in the mobility will be the students of the 10th grades, Services branch of studies, the field of Tourism and nourishment field, found in the state of initial continuous training. They will follow 90 hours of practical training, foreseen in the Professional Preparation Standard. The units of learning development that will be developed through the practical preparation are: the organization of the hotels, the professional communication and behavior, the maintenance and cleaning of the accommodation spaces, assuring of quality of the hotel services, the work hygiene and security.

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