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Poza ławą szkolną
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ‘Outside the school bench’ will be implemented by the Basic School and Lower Secondary School No. 3 in Zamość. Zamość, where our school is located, is the capital of the region and there are about 60 000 inhabitants. It is located in the agricultural, poorly industrialized region; it is about 70 km from the Polish Eastern border. Zespół Szkół Nr 3 (Basic School and Lower Secondary School No. 3) in Zamość educates students aged 6-16. The school aim is to provide students with the European dimension in education that is why the students are to be provided with a large number of hours of foreign languages (School’s Development Plan priority of the year 2012) and with knowledge of the culture and development of their European and international openness. The school intends to achieve these objectives through the use of modern teaching methods and techniques, improving the qualifications of the teaching staff, the development of their language and intercultural skills and through partnerships with the schools from other countries. Parents and teachers are aware that teaching, upbringing and developing students’ interests and talents is done not only through regular lessons but also through making some extra projects and programs, through compensatory and developing classes, through the works of youth organizations and through supporting the initiatives devised by students themselves. The actions undertaken in the area of extracurricular activities cannot be overrated, that is why it is worth gaining knowledge, new skills and experiences in order to make these activities more attractive to students and encourage more students to get involved in them. To achieve these goals, the teachers participate in various training programmes, courses (eg. The use of the eTwinning platform), they introduce innovative teaching programmes; they implement the POKL and Erasmus+ projects. The teachers also want to draw from the experience of other schools from the Eastern and the Western Europe. Thus, they have planned Job shadowing, debates and discussions about the extracurricular classes in four schools – in Bulgaria, in Spain, in Italy and in Latvia. The observation of extracurricular classes and other actions done outside of the regular lessons system and the discussions with teachers who do these classes will allow the teachers from our school to develop their methodological competences, gain new experience, learn new forms of work with students outside the regular lessons system. What is more, the participants of the project will develop their linguistic and cultural competences as the main project activities are to be preceded with the preparatory actions such as conversational English classes and cultural studies seminars about the countries our teachers are going to visit. The undertaken actions are aimed at strengthening of the teachers’ professional profile. These will strengthen their professional position and at the same time increase their own activity and raise their mobility. Better qualified teachers will have an impact on the quality of work of the school implementing the project. They will encourage other school staff to learn foreign languages, to introduce new teaching methods, to use CLIL. It will dare other teachers to use the opportunities created by such projects and mobilities. The project will be monitored in the area of implementation of the project schedule and the quality of its implementation; and at the end the evaluation will be carried out. The project products will be disseminated within the school, on the eTwinning platform and through the local media.

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