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Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PEEISS is a Transnational European project, developed by several partners from Macedonia, Slovenia, Austria and Finland targeted at students, teachers, trainers, managers, entrepreneurs and innovators from these countries, with the support of the Learning Programme Erasmus+ of the European Union, which aims at promoting the process of learning entrepreneurship by implementing new and innovative teaching methods and e-learning tools. To address the entrepreneurial skills of learners, the project offers dedicated pedagogically-rich education and training. In order to achieve this, it deploys well-grounded didactic and pedagogical models as founded in e-learning education by the help of creating intellectual outputs that come up from mutual teaching and training activities among partners, transnational project meetings and multiplier events. The goal of PEEISS as a project, to find new and innovative methods of teaching and learning entrepreneurship and to include entrepreneurship in every field of society, can be attained only by the mutual force of the project partners whose strong points will contribute to the achievement of project aims and will make it a valuable experience for all direct and indirect participants. Contents and activities planned for the realization of the project aims can be divided chronologically in three important phases: preparation activities, project management and implementation of project activities. Implementation of the project activities will be conveyed by the use of training activities, workshops, Transnational Meetings, the multiplier event - Final Conference, virtual mobilities which will result in the creation of intellectual outputs and enhancement of the project dissemination. The aims of the project will be achieved by implementing suitable teachers/trainers activities: - Training activity about using innovative teaching methods for teachers and presentations of ECVET in entrepreneurship, Finland; - Workshop for creating Curriculum for entrepreneurial teaching for extracurricular classes of Business and Entrepreneurship in Slovenia; - Implementing trainings for students for development of entrepreneurial way of thinking and soft skills according to the prepared Instruction book managed by Ekonomska šola Novo mesto; -Training activities for entrepreneurial learning and development of the students' entrepreneurial mind, Austria; - Training activity for Innovative teaching methods for entrepreneurship, Austria; - Workshop - Innovative Entrepreneurship: From Idea to Marketplace, Macedonia. The project will have a profound impact on the participants, the participating organisations and the target groups. All the key staff and the learners involved in the project will deepen their knowledge of teaching and learning entrepreneurship, they will understand and enjoy the benefits of using innovative methods for teaching entrepreneurship, they will grasp the foundations of using ECVET in VET and they will learn how to develop themselves as excellent, competitive and successful entrepreneurs. The schools involved in the project will have an opportunity to share ideas, practices and teaching materials on the new open source web platform, which in the future will be highly beneficial for everyone interested in the field of entrepreneurship. This will promote equity among learners from all regions because they will have an equal opportunity to enjoy in the results of this project. The students will benefit by becoming more competent on the labour market once they finish their vocational education.
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3 Partners Participants