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Повишаване на конкурентноспособността чрез иновативна практика в лозарството
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is part of the strategy of initiating institution for education and improving the quality of vocational training, including European mobility.Participants in the project are the two partner institutions - Professional School of Vine and Wine production "Alexander Stamboliiski" - Pleven, Bulgaria - initiator and Training Vision - Portsmouth, England - receiving partner.The project duration is 12 months / June 2016-June 2017 /, placement will be held for three weeks in the area of Portsmouth, England in March-April 2017. Beneficiaries of the project are twenty students in the initial vocational training from the specialties "Vine grower and Wine producer" - a protected profession, "Plant Protection and Agrochemistry" and "Agroecology".The project objectives aimed at users are:- Increasing the professional knowledge and skills in the field of viticulture through practice in different real working conditions;- Enrichment of acquired professional competence in viticulture through utilization of innovative experience in mobility;- Improving and deepening of linguistic competence in English in the field of viticulture;- Expanding the knowledge of the culture, customs and traditions of England;-Increase the level of competitiveness of users on the basis of achieved sustainable results and their multiplication.The objectives of the project to partners organizations are :- Developing the existing successful cooperation between PGLV and Training Vision at international level in the field of vocational training;- Strengthening the position of PGLV as an educational institution and Training Vision as a professional center for organizing and conducting innovative practices.The methodology of the project activities include the organization, identifying indicators of quality control, implementation of activities and monitoring and dissemination of results for resistance of the project. The planned project activities related to the choice of the partner, preparing of necessary documents, communication for the drawing up and approval of the work program for mobility, choice of users, training of users, organization and implementation of mobility, certification of acquired competences, dissemination and replication of experience.The organization of mobility is common work of the two organizations – promoting and hosting. The quality organization guarantees the value mobility. Learning outcomes of mobility are the main objective of the project. They have gained an innovative experience in viticulture, increased professional and personal skills, improved communication on English language and increased competitiveness for users, utilized expertise for innovative methods of accompanying persons.The project will impact on participants in practice by achieving the goals set to them.Participation of teachers from PGLV as accompanying persons in the project will increase their competence to implement innovative teaching practices. This will spread the experience and the results will multiply in school and beyond.Certificates issued to participants, will certify their experience and qualifications that make them preferred in employment and increase their competitiveness in the national and European labor market.Stability of the project results will be achieve by distributing them outside the framework of the partnership among:- Local, regional, national and European institutions, which traditionally work with promoting organization ;- Organizations with which promoter wants to create contacts for future collaboration.The expected long-term benefits associated with the project's impact on local and regional level. They are in direct relation to the direction of economic development of Pleven region, particularly in traditional viticulture industry. In the area has favorable conditions for development of the vine culture, but not enough specialists applying innovative technologies. Increased competence of beneficiaries on the project will motivate and prepare them for the implementation of modern, appropriate practices in the establishment and cultivation of vineyards.Innovative experience gained will increase the confidence of users as knowledgeable and capable young professionals to create their own business.

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