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Polsko - ukraińskie spotkania z historią.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ' Polish and Ukrainian meeting with history' will take place in Mętno, near Hrubieszów at Polish and Ukrainian border from 6th to 13-th October 2015. The aim of the project is integration of Polish and Ukrainian youth, supporting the historical dialog, as well as learning about history in an unconventional way during historical trips. However, the project is aimed at promoting alternative forms of learning history, i.e. collecting reports, live history by visiting commemoration places, reconstructions, presenting historical tradition through works of art. It is also about breaking stereotypes and eliminating prejudices about Polish and Ukrainian past.There are 22 Polish and Ukrainian participants in the project, along with 2 Polish and Ukrainian leaders and one coordinator of the project. During the project both groups will go through certain historical issues, as well as take part in workshops about Slavic society, folk nature, religious symbols, searching for common Polish and Ukrainian history. Participants will get to know the history by visiting historical places and will take part in renovating and restoring the forgotten Ukrainian cemetery. The integration will also be visible through discovering history during historical outdoor game through historical investigation, searching for materials and facts and also collecting live history reports. Thanks to the workshops the media group will get acquainted with the rules of interviewing , recording, making photo reports and digitizing historical content. There will also be discussions about difficult common history during workshops on 'Stereotypes and prejudice - how to build a dialog effectively?'. The project will end with preparing the historical exhibition. There will also be time for getting to know our cultures and traditions on the trip to Zamość during the city game and during the stay at Zagroda Guciów. Every group will also prepare their own cultural evening. The project will make use of informal methods of education, the workshops will be supported with modern teaching methods and will make use of the media. Through the participation in the project the youth will gain interpersonal skills, strengthen their individual competence, get to know new methods of learning and will create the promoting exhibition, which will take place simultanously in Poland and Ukraine.

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