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Polska - Irlandia - gramy w jednej drużynie
Start date: May 18, 2015, End date: Oct 17, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ??Polska ? Irlandia ? gramy w jednej dru?ynie? project involves an exchange of 20 Polish and Irish youths, aged 17 ? 20 years. The Polish youths, coming from a small town Kazimierz Dolny and from the surrounding rural area, form the ?Ko?o Mi?o?ników Kazimierza Dolnego? (the club of ?Young lovers of Kazimierz Dolny?) at Zespó? Szkó? im. Jana Koszczyca Witkiewicza in Kazimierz Dolny, a school, which trains students at a basic and technical level to practice professions. What bonds them is the love of getting to know the culture and history of their own region and the desire to get engaged in social initiatives that aid the local community. Our partner is a group of youths from Sphere 17 Regional Youth Service, a regional youth facility for the Dublin 17 area. These young people come from an area of social disadvantage. The priority of Sphere 17 is Art therapy, through visual arts and drama therapy sessions. Thanks to this service, a group of young Irish people are able to broaden their horizons and perspectives, and to beat their addictions. The most active youths, who have attended classes systematically and overcome their addictions, were chosen to take part in the project. Both groups had a chance to meet during a visit of young Polish people to Ireland in July 2013, which was a part of a cultural program led by our Irish partners. Thanks to ??Polska ? Irlandia ? gramy w jednej dru?ynie? project we had a chance to get to know one another through back to the basics idea, i.e. to folk culture including folk legends and customs, which preserve archetypical manners and values. We found out what Polish and Irish local legends and customs have in common and to what extent they differ. We proved that as European citizens we can find unity within our diversity, according to the European Union?s motto ?In varietate concordia.? These objectives were accomplished by a role-playing game, based on Polish and Irish local legends and customs. The youths created the game from scratch as part of some exchange workshops in Roztocze region, a place abundant in folk tales and customs. The exchange participants got to know the legends of their partners? regions, as well as the folk legends and customs of Roztocze. They also chose the most interesting legend characters to use in the game. Then they worked out the characters? profiles, characteristics, manners, costumes and props. The youths worked on the tasks for the participants of the game and prepared maps of the area and the plan of the game in Polish and English versions. Later on, the plan was given to the local Tourist Information Centre to broaden the tourist information offer of the region. The teenagers also designed and put up posters encouraging tourists and local inhabitants to take part in the game. Moreover, the game was advertised on the radio and in newspapers as well as on the Internet. In the end, they played their role-playing game. These activities were accomplished using the following methods: drama, simulations, art workshops, lectures, talks, outdoor activities and a feature game. As a result of the project, its participants gained some knowledge in practice about Polish and Irish folk tales and customs, and also the similarities and differences between them. It made the teenagers more aware of their identity as Polish, Irish and as European citizens. The youths acquired information about how to make a role-playing game ? an interesting form of learning through action and an imaginative way of spending free time. They will be able to make use of the game in the work of their regional service and for the use of the wider range of recipients in their community. The youths were able to develop their teamwork skills including effective cooperation, handling conflicts, as well as the ability to cross barriers and the possibility of stimulating their creativity. They got higher motivation for learning foreign languages as an indispensable tool in communication of a common Europe.
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1 Partners Participants