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Podniesienie kompetencji nauczycieli ZSO Nr 1 w Gliwicach w zakresie wprowadzania elementów kultury i nowatorskich metod w nauczaniu języków obcych oraz wykorzystania technologii ICT w dydaktyce.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled: "Increasing competence of ZSO nr 1 teachers in introducing elements of culture and modern techniques in foreign language classroom as well as implementing ICT in teaching practice." is a mono-beneficiary project by Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 1 in Gliwice seeking a grant from the Erasmus+ program. It's closely linked to the school's needs and it was based on the School's Development Plan.The project's main objective is raising quality of the school's educational offer by means of:- introducing methods of teaching foreign languages that haven't been used in the school so far (neurolinguictic programming) or enhancing the ones that have (elements of culture);- gaining or upgrading knowledge of ICT tools used in teaching;Six teachers, 4 women and 2 men with work experience ranging from 8 to 20 years, will participate in the project: four English teachers, a German teacher and an ICT teacher.The participants will attend training courses in Austria ( one person - neurolinguictic programming), Ireland (3 persons - English teaching methodology) and Spain (2 persons - Moodle 3.0)Having completed the courses the participants will take action leading to implementation of the recently gained skills and knowledge and dissemination of the project's outcomes. The action will take the form of sylllabus modifications, popularizing and motivating actions (contests), teamwork (posters), creation of digital learning and teaching tools (Moodle), implementation of new teaching methods (neurolinguictic programming).As a result of the actions the following are expected:- raised motivation and engagement of young people in learning foreign languages;- full use of the technological teaching aids owned by the school;- strengthening of the school's image of a place offering a range of learning possibilities;The project's target groups are:- the participating teachers;- the school's students;- other teachers- students from other schools who are interested in continuing their education in our school;The long term benefits for the school are:- permanent implementation of attractive for students and effective teaching methods;- creation of digital tools aiding the teaching process.;- better involvment and job satisfaction on the part of the teacher (fightin job burnout syndrome);

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