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Podniesienie Kompetencji Językowych i Metodycznych Kadry Pedagogicznej
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The title of the project is „The Enhancement of Teachers' Language and Methodical Skills”. The project is addressed to the teaching staff of Publiczne Gimnazjum Dwujęzyczne no 32, constituting an integral part of Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących no 2 in Białystok.Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących no 2 in Białystok, is one of the best schools in Białystok, and the only one, across the region, that regularly prepares students for DSD II examinations in German as well as runs a preparatory course for International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. We collaborate with the Goethe-Institut in Warsaw and the local universities (Medical University of Bialystok, The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, University of Bialystok, Bialystok University of Technology). Furthermore, our school is a member of the global PASCH network. The project is indispensible to meet the objectives of the school development plan, which is the increase in teaching skills and competences among our staff, qualifications concerning methodology of English language teaching as well as mastering its command. The aim of the project is to be acquainted with new teaching tools and methods both for English as a foreign language, and other subjects taught in that language as well. The knowledge will be adapted to meet the specific needs of our school to strengthen its European character and dimension. Participants of training programmes will be teachers chosen by the Selection Committee among the teaching staff of Publiczne Gimazjum Dwujęzyczne no 32. Training programmes will be selected in line with their individual needs as well as the school priorities. Overall, 15 teachers will benefit from the project.The goal of the project is enhancement of the efficiency and quality of work in the school, what is associated with adapting and implementing innovative and effective working methods during lessons, and being acquainted with new teaching tools. All those objectives will result in production of teaching materials based on authentic sources, compiling a collection of materials prepared by the staff, multimedia support to make classes more attractive, the subject specific glossary.The project, in particular, the participation of teachers in training programmes, will facilitate expanding contacts and co-operation into other European countries.The most significant outcomes of the project will be the increased teachers' competences concerning methodology of English as a foreign language and its command, teaching materials which will support core curriculum, bilingualism - all of which will contribute to making lessons more interesting and implementing innovations in the school.In the long run, the rise in quality of teaching will be manifested in a higher quality of work in the institution, and in addition, it will be reflected in better results of external examinations, enhancing the school reputation in the local surroundings.
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