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„ Podejrzane u przyjaciół – edukacja dla wspólnej Europy ”
Start date: Aug 28, 2014, End date: Aug 27, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of our project was the advancement of our teaching staff in the areas of foreign languages in relation to different professions, hospitality and catering, IT, environment protection , enterprise, mechanics, internship organization and interdisciplinary projects. We wanted to provide our teachers with real-life speaking situations in a professional work context in Europe, encourage them to learn foreign languages, relate to European standards of vocational training on the level of high school and trade school. Twelve teachers participated in the international training with our partners. They were selected according to their taught subjects, commitment in student projects, teaching skills and dissemination of the project results to the whole school community. We have organized study visits with our partners from Liceo Don Bosco in Borgomanero, Italy (once) and Kaufmännische Schule in Bad Mergentheim, Germany (three times). Our teachers were not only observers but also participated in practical activities and gathered a variety of teaching materials. Italians have organized a six days long training for teachers of foreign languages and IT. Polish teachers had the opportunity to see how Italians use IT and e-learning in the process of education as well as virtual classes, Moodle platform or the Wikiplina project- the usage of communication and interaction in social media. We were shown various teaching methods incorporating drama classes, knowledge of cultural differences in Europe, enterprise, professional career paths in Europe. In this area Italians are our role model and inspiration, as well as a source of innovation in our school. Our teachers encountered a practical usage of teaching platforms like Moodle for the first time. They have realized how important are references to the European labor market, cultural diversity and students career planning in the foreign language classes. Our partners from Germany are implementing a program of vocational education development OES, which requires organizational autonomy in vocational training, developing partnerships with institutions and enterprises, and innovation of teaching. Our school is facing these exact challenges. Well-developed contacts between the German school and employers, companies offering the latest technology have become our model. The town of Bad Mergentheim is a resort with a developed hospitality and catering area, serving tourists in English. This explains our school cooperation with these certified, recognized by the industry partners. The experience, knowledge and skills acquired through observation of our foreign partners and practical activities in the European job market have been transferred to the whole team of teachers. They have enriched the educational offer of our school giving us a better choice of teaching methods and content, complying with the realities and needs of the European labor market, developed IT for e-learning and new projects, including international. With the acquired competence and overcoming language barriers, more teachers in our team are actively involved in such activities affecting the development of our school, vocational activation of graduates and also develop their own language skills. Our teachers have learnt about different relationships between education, the labor market and the economy at European level, which enriched the taught content and brought the students closer to the European realities. The use of new materials, lesson synopses and presentations prepared in our partner schools greatly enriched our classroom lessons. We use new solutions in planning internships and have created a richer base of projects inspired by or developed together with partners. The European dimension of professional development of staff is a guarantee of a modern education offer of our school. It has allowed the teachers to adopt an open-minded attitude towards other cultures and understand the changes in teacher-student relations. Understanding the concept of multiculturalism and mature citizenship in the EU is crucial and teachers convey these values to students who do not yet have such experiences. Local employers and institutions are more willing to cooperate with our school, giving our students more opportunities.

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2 Partners Participants