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PMG personali õpiränne
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to support the professional development of the school staff and board members in order to improve the quality of the learning process in all levels and to form international connections for broader cooperation. Within the project two employees of the Pirita Business High School are participating in courses in Great Britain and Cyprus and five teachers are doing work shadowing in schools in Finland and Italy. The participants will receive an overview of how different European schools are adjusting and reacting to developing educational strategies, realizing the possibilities of integration between different disciplines, developing curriculums and guiding students in their learning process. Professional improvements of employees creates opportunities for better assessments of aims in wider context and integrating good experience. The preparation of the participants, communication between project partners, planning, assessing and disseminating the activities is coordinated by the development manager who is also participating in the project. The expected impacts on participants of the projects are the rise of professional self-confidence, more students-centred choice of teaching methods and open cooperation which results in better decisions and reputation of the school. Each participant will have opportunities to compare his/her work with that of the colleagues of the destination country and analyse personal professional development needs. In longer terms the implementation of the project is the creation of conditions for more modern, dynamic and professional environment at school.
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