Two experiences conducted in the Municipality of Milan are at the base of the project:“Laboratorio Interculturale” and “Apriti Sesamo”, both aiming at the valorisation oflanguage and culture of origin and involving about 500 Arab-speaking children and 100parents. During the monitoring of these projects, it appeared necessary to go deeper,through a research action, into issues concerning the relationship between Language 1and Language 2 under the perspective of plurilingualism. In restating the importance ofvalorising L1 as a way of reinforcing cultural identity, the project intends to enlarge thediscourse to plurilingualism, in order to foster dialogue among cultures and to enhancemobility. Teachers’ training on plurilingualism is crucially important, considering thatoutdated pedagogical settings, which hold plurilingualism responsible of poor learning inL2, are still common among them. To bolster this objective, the project will createtrainings for teachers focused on the issue of the relationship between L1 and L2 insidemigratory contexts, the construction of innovative instruments and the testing ground ofdidactic paths with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference forLanguages. A further point of attention is the support of parents’ role: the learning of L2among adults is a necessary condition, but not sufficient in itself, to guarantee a suitableintegration level for the families.Today still a minority of migrants possess a sufficient knowledge of Europe and of thehosting country, while parents’ awareness of the existing training and studyingopportunities, school organization, social service, healthcare, opportunities offered bythe new system Europe is a guarantee of equal opportunities for new generations. Toachieve these objectives, the project will experiment paths of civic education andorientation along with the production and experimentation of plurilingual\1st languagevalorisations tools. Moreover, it will support the elaboration of didactic materials forArabic and Italian.
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