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ple to People – effective cooperation based on love for folklore (HUSKROUA/1001/123)
Start date: Apr 19, 2012, End date: Apr 18, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall objective: Establishment of institutional cooperation in the transborder Slovak-Ukrainian territory based upon joint love for folklore and common concern over protection and presentation of cultural heritage leading to service efficiency increase in culture. Main activities: I. I. Organizing opening and closing conference;II. Purchase of tools;III. Organizing working meetings;IV. Educational program for the cultural event organizers (6 educational program, total 300 participants);V. Elaboration of the project documentation concerning the cultural centre construction (folk barns) – 2 documantations;VI. Costume study carried out in the concerned territory – self-governing region of Prešov, particularly region of Horný Šariš and Transcarpathian region;VII. Production of traditional folk costumes – 40 costumes;VIII. Preparation and printing of the guide of cultural events and historic landmarks of the concerned territory - 2000 guides;IX. Internet website creation – extended electronic version of the guide + information about Action;X. Dance school establishment – 10 dance schools, totaly 500 participants;XI. Presentations of other festivals within the frame of the biggest events held in the territory. Expected Results: A. Improvement of conditions concerning protection and presentation of cultural heritage: 1. educational activities for the organizers of cultural events (especially of the folklore festivals). 2. Creation of conditions for construction of cultural centres. 3. Research and production of folk costumes, B. Promotion and presentation of cultural events, 1. Folklore festival guide establishment. 2. Presentation of festivals and cultural events within the frame of the biggest events in the territory. C. Creation of new products in the field of culture.
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  • 90%   234 628,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants