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Playing together in our European dream city
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Playing together in our European dream city" involves 6 schools from Italy, Germany, Belgium, Crete, Spain and Finland that will use ICT and Social Media, innovative practices and methodologies, founded on collaboration, to develop a greater awareness of Europe and a European sense of identity. Working with countries from Europe will provide the "real" experience, a powerful learning tool. Through the project the participating schools will encourage the languages learning necessity, the ICT creativity prospect and the method of students teaching other students. The project will enlarge our educational background knowledge, will help us all to create a better cultural and linguistic context which will give us the opportunity to enrich our creativity and professional standards and will add a European dimension to our citizenship. The concrete objectives are: - to promote cultural awareness and creativity throughout the whole of our partner schools communities. - to gain knowledge and develop expertise in new educational approaches and innovative teaching methods (the use of CLIL method, use of ICT tools, approach for preventing bullying at school) - to develop ICT skills and use the flipped-classroom - to get European sense of identity and improve English language skills - to express creativity through different forms of art (painting, sculpting, photography, dancing , music) - to develop practical skills and research skills - to develop openness and tolerance and promote the idea of an active European citizenship - to set the foundations of learning how to learn through collaboration (eTwinning) Since we are working with children aged 6-12 including SEN students, we plan to achieve this goals starting from the study of their hometown and, using a spyral approach, progressively to widen their cultural horizons studying their own region and their own country and comparing their main features with those of the partners cities/countries. During the1st year the students of each partner school will get information and pictures about their hometown, focusing their attention on geographical features, historical background, languages spoken, interesting places and monuments, jobs, typical food, famous people. During the 2nd year the project's activities will be focused on the wider context of one's own region, analyzing the geographical features, natural resources, population and productive activities (agriculture, industrial development, tourism). The children will be stimulated to reflect on how man changes the natural environment and what are the risks and consequences for a happy living. During the 3rd year the children will exchange information about their own country, focusing their attention on the peculiar aspects of their culture. They will develop the awareness of being part of a bigger context, the European Union and will think about the values we need to share in order to live as active European citizens. Comparing the positive and negative aspects of their own city/country/culture and those of the partners they will arrive at a shared model of a "dream city/country" inspired to the European values. Each year the children will produce educational paper-based and digital games about their own town/region/country to make their European friends get acquainted with their environment and culture; factfiles, PPTs, pictures, videos, texts and reflections to be posted and shared on the partnership website. At the end of the third year the children of all schools involved will also produce a 3D model of their "dream city/country" and a final paper-based/digital game "Europoly" taking into consideration the best aspects of each country to express their view of a more sustainable urban life and who wins will get more and more European friends. The teachers of the partnership will set up and update partnership website, will produce CLIL modules, videos for flipping classrooms and shared assessment and evaluation materials. The expected results for students and teachers are: - greater knowledge of their own country and those of the partners - greater awareness of Europe and a more positive attitude towards European values and cultural diversity - increased competence in English language, in using ICT and CLIL methodology - improved basic life-skills and competence necessary for personal development and for active European citizenship - stronger motivation for long-life learning The partnership is also intended to have an impact on the schools as a whole, developing the European/international dimension of education, promoting innovation in teaching and school management, improving cooperation between teachers, strengthening interdisciplinary approaches in the curriculum. Through the use of Skype, eTwinning, social networks the partner schools will establish lasting contacts among them and other schools from European countries to share experiences and collaborate in the future.

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