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PLAY SAFE - Theatre for Risk Prevention
Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The youth exchange PLAY SAFE Theatre for Risk Prevention will be held in Solarino (SR), Italy and will be 12 days long. The participants will be 24 and the countries involved are Italy, Romania, Spain and France .The themes of the project are art, culture and health: the idea is to use artistic channels to inform youth on health diseases, on drug prevention and to raise awareness on how youth can have an active role in society in the prevention and information toward these topics. Linked to the theme, the aims of the project are to raise awareness on drug abuse and to share with youth tools which can be used to achieve a conscious risk prevention. The youth involved will take part in laboratories and group discussions to exchange information on drug prevention and to overcome the stereotypes toward this topic. Then participants will be invited in sharing the different measures undertaken in their countries to raise awareness toward these issues, to prevent the drug-addiction risks, to empower the health education system and to facilitate the employment of those people facing problems with drug-addition. Different study visits to centres treating drug-addictions and to mental health departments will be organized and the good practices running in the different countries will be shared.An interactive methodology based on theatre and clowning will be proposed for the whole duration of the project: participants will exchange every content, information and knowledge in an horizontal level following the principle of the non formal education that promotes a peer to peer approach.Lunaria will coordinate the project and will work for the hosting part in cooperation with a local organization based in Sicily, active for several years in the peer education and the sensitisation of the local communities.

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