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Platform for e-learning and telemetric EXperimentation

The competitiveness in European enterprises is conditional on thepresence of innovation, flexibility, competence, and highly qualifiedpeople. Particularly in the field of production engineering, a continuouscompany success in international business is only guaranteed when acontinuous enhancement in knowledge and competence in connectionwith further education and advance training of people is realised. Thecompetence is particularly affected by rapidly changing technologies, theincreasing degree of multidisciplinarity, and absence of skilled labour.Therefore, lifelong learning and the ability to work in an interdisciplinaryand multicultural environment are the core elements of futurecompetency and will be supported and improved by this project. The aimof this project is to develop a prototype for an e-learning environment forfurther education and skill improvement in the area of manufacturingtechnology supporting self-directed and distance learning. Complex andadequately structured learning fields will be connected to several remoteexperimentation set-ups, which are effective tools in exploratory learning.The project favours an innovative concept of learning and competencedevelopment in the field of manufacturing technology using telemetricexperimentation, taking care of dissemination of specialised knowledgecombined with cooperative learning and learning in communities. Thetarget groups of this project include workers and students who aredirectly engaged in production technology as well as people who havedifferent backgrounds but are indirectly related to production technology,i.e. mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, IT specialists etc. Theimpact of this project is improving conditions for lifelong learning,acquiring specialised knowledge in manufacturing technology fromdifferent European institutions, increasing convergence, opening theeducational programme for different groups from industry and academia,facilitating multicultural exchange, increasing virtual mobility and newflexible forms of access to knowledge, and enhancing the communicationand cooperation competencies.
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