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Pieredzes pilnveide profesionālajā izglītībā.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " The development of experience in vocational education ' is professional improvement opportunity for Smiltene Tehnikums - The Center of the Competences in Vocational Education, students and vocational subject teachers and mentors. During the project, participants will invole in mobility trips and job to various companies in Europe. Professionality means knowledgeable , creative, more reflective , open mind , economically and socially active. Smiltenes Tehnikumsl ( S T) since 2013th odf september September is a professional education competence center for enrolling more than 500 students and 25 teachers of vocational subjects . School learning process consists of theoretical knowledge and practice , which is the most important part of the learning process . The project is an opportunity for everyone student and teacher practically improve their profession , adding to his list of values ​​language, culture , way of thinking , new technologies and working environment criteria . It could means to get work and make active social life. It is a new learning and new teaching methods . Erasmus + project ST adds extra value to us as PICC and the whole system of vocational education as a whole. For young people to improve the professional skills abroad is to try help them for motivation. The young people who choose the Vocational education the rather low educational attainment and behavioral characteristics , as a result, are passed on to the dangerous border between law and infringement. Opportunity to participate in the project and to go abroad would have an incentive to stay on the right side . Information about the practices of our students abroad is popular almost all regions and it encourages young people to come to us to learn to keep both contribute and discipline . At the same time most of the students come from low-income families , and material considerations do not give for child the opportunity to see another country. People who live in the same place as well as with low socially and economically inactive , seeing a different opportunity of his life . Therefore, in this project we want to involve 31 students - from veterinary medicine, hotel services and catering courses - different professions and social groups and 7 profesional teachers and mentors. In project will be students from low-income families who want to gain more experience and see other cultures and the students who are learning to be creative . It will be able to supplement student's CV with Europas experience and see yourself on professional market with a job in their profession . For the teachers have not to much chance to take part in the projects before, so this project will improve the skills and let's see the trends, see new ideas and implement new teaching methods at the school. The Center of the Competences for Vocational Education - has the same title includes - competence center - so creative, competent, open to prepare students with the necessary skills for the job market . Labor market , services, and technology changes can not see the light of other countries and companies to complement their professional skills . The project will be implemented with already known partners in Malta , Italy, France and Spain. All companies that are partners in the project, with a lot of experience in project implementation , organization of the place , as well as cultural and other activities of the organization , providing a safe living and learning practical conditions. Total duration in project is 1 year. The program is developed for each specialty separately . Practical training activities -1 month for 22 students and 3 month for 9 students in Malta and Spain. Practical training for teachers - 2 weeks. Before to submission of the project conducted a survey among young people, and some expressed a desire to be in practice for a long time , because the home is a difficult situation . Professional development for teachers will be held at the same time with one of the groups of students - for students to feel safer flying on placements . The project will be launched on 1st of July 2014. First students and teachers mobilities 19 - from September to November 2014 and 19 participants in the spring - from March to May . Project supervised by ST coordinator of the project , communicating with the host partner. As a result, the benefits are - a different experience in their profession , technology . The added value of the linguistic, cultural and social aspects as well as the expansion of thinking . The ability to see yourself in the common European culture and work environment. Course of the project and the results will be reflected in the school website , the most popular social networks Twitter , Facebook, , ask . fm and , as well as newspapers Ziemeļlatvija Finaly the participants are awarded a Europass Mobility proof
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4 Partners Participants