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Pièces à lire sans frontières
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

« Pièces à lire sans frontières » (Plays to be read without boundaries) gathers in France, Belgium, and UK, schools – Maurice Bécanne, Georges Sand, Sydenham School, Mulberry School for Girls, Institut Marie Immaculée Montjoie - cultural venues as the Théâtre national de Toulouse, the Théâtre national de Belgique and independent theatre companies as Compagnie Nelson Dumont (France) and the company of Angels (UK) in order to set up a european project based on european drama writings. This project involves pupils from different social backgrounds but the majority comes from unprivileged districts presenting school, social or economic problems. In the 3 countries, around three hundred pupils aged from 14 to 16, work each year on three plays written by two french or frenchspeaking playwriters and an english one, which makes six plays and six authors all together during the 2 years of the program. The plays, published or unpublished, are to be translated for this project. The heart of the project is to explore bilingual theatre texts through aloud readings. The pupils share their performance, their understanding of the texts and the way they apprehend each writing. They carry out this work in the classroom and then share it with the others french, belgian and english pupils. The workshops are led by teachers (of literature and foreign languages) in collaboration with artists, writers, translators and cultural partners. These exchanges between pupils and authors make interculturality richer into a European citizenship perspective. The pupils present public readings of the plays to other pupils of their school and parents during the transnational meetings and multiplier events. The cultural opening of the pupils increases thanks to the study of these bilingual plays and the cultural background of the different playwriters, but also by visiting theatres, seeing professional performances and meeting artists. These meetings with professionals will take place during in and out school time in order to welcome parents. A multiplier events will take place in Toulouse in june 2017 in partnership with Le Centre national des Lettres of Midi-Pyrénées. The participants of this meeting will gather cultural professionals, researchers and members of school system about translated language and its artistic and educational issues, in relationship with the project. Through different approaches, this project helps think school and learning process in a more positive way. This unique experience value their work , their selfconfidence and , as a cross disciplinary and cross border project, enhance their basic skills, linguistic, artistic and cultural, and cross disciplinary skills, such as european citizenship. The image of the institutions concerned by the project through communication and valorization of their engagement in this innovative and European project will give them the opportunity to work in a larger territory than usual. The partnership, all the exchanges between the participants and the various inputs, make the conception, the appropriation and the experimentation of new educational and cultural practices possible. Institutions involved in the project will get closer, around European reading comities, artistic and cultural education, into a dynamic of lasting partnerships.
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