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Petroc Go !
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Petroc Go! is a Key Action 1 project, which will allow 235 students and 59 staff from Petroc, a large General Further Education College in Devon, to undertake 2 week work placements and training opportunities in France (Avoriaz and Chinon), Spain (Barcelona), the Netherlands (Zwolle), Romania (Ramnicu Valcea), Austria (Graz) and Sweden (Katrineholm) in 2015 and 2016. The project targets participants in an isolated rural area, who face barriers to accessing education, training and personal/professional development opportunities. The area suffers from poor public transport, a low-skill low-wage economy, and a high cost of living. It also has a significantly higher than average proportion of micro-businesses, who lack the capacity to provide meaningful work experience opportunities to support young people to develop their aspirations and employability skills. The participants in this project will be drawn from students taking courses with Petroc at any of our campuses. Each destination will primarily be focussed on a specific vocational area/group of students to ensure maximum benefit for their programme of study and future career. The main target group for each destination is as follows: 1 – France (Chinon) & Spain (Barcelona) – Automotive, engineering and business management; 2 – Romania (Ramnicu Valcea) – Rugby Academy; 3 – Austria (Graz) – Volleyball Academy; 4 – France (Avoriaz) – Outdoor Education & Sports; 5 – Sweden (Katrineholm) – Supported Learning, Early Years Care & Education; 6 – The Netherlands (Zwolle) – Fitness & Sport. The project will enhance participants’ employability skills, as well as their cultural horizons, though the following range of activities: Tailored work programmes in local garages, offices and factories in Chinon and Barcelona; Working in Romanian primary schools to develop coaching and fitness skills, focussing on Tag Rugby; Working alongside staff and students from Austria’s leading school Volleyball Academy to develop coaching and fitness skills; Working alongside winter sports and hospitality staff in the Alpine Ski Resort of Avoriaz; Working and training with staff and students running the Dutch college’s Fitness Centres in the Netherlands; Work experience in educational organizations focussing on children with special educational needs, as well as local nurseries and schools. In addition, a group of participants with learning difficulties and/or disabilities will link with a group of Swedish students in Katrineholm to develop basic employability and soft skills. The project will be overseen by the College’s highly experienced Projects Administration Team, working alongside curriculum staff to ensure participants are able to maximize the opportunities available to them in the various partner countries in order to enable them to develop a greater cultural understanding of life in modern Europe; increase their self-confidence; raise their aspirations; and, most importantly, develop skills which will considerably increase their employability and boost the economic development of the North and Mid-Devon areas. Through this project, a larger number of participants will be involved in European mobility than ever before, in a strategically planned manner, which will form part of a longer-term strategy to increase the involvement of young people in the Erasmus+ Programme throughout Devon.

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